Alaska Statutes
Article 4. Platting in Areas Outside Certain Municipalities.
Sec. 40.15.380. Applicability to governmental bodies; right-of-way acquisition plats.

(a) Except as provided in this section and AS 40.15.305(g), AS 40.15.300 - 40.15.380 apply to the state, its agencies, instrumentalities, and political subdivisions in the same manner and to the same extent that they apply to other landowners.
(b) A plat for a subdivision created by the acquisition by the state, its agencies, instrumentalities, or political subdivisions, of a right-of-way, airport parcel, or land for a similar public purpose in an area outside a municipality that has the power of land use regulation and that is exercising platting authority, is subject only to the approval provisions of this section and any provision of AS 40.15.300 - 40.15.380 not in conflict with this section.
(c) A right-of-way acquisition plat must contain the
(1) location and name of the acquisition project;
(2) approximate timetable for the acquisition and construction;
(3) dimensions and area of the proposed tract, parcel, or parcels to be acquired and the remainder of the parcel or parcels;
(4) name of the record owner or owners of the subject parcels;
(5) signature and seal of the surveyor preparing the plat.
(d) The commissioner shall review each right-of-way acquisition plat for compliance with this section. If the plat does not meet the requirements of this section, it shall be returned to the submitting agency with an explanation of the deficiencies. A plat for which the commissioner's approval is required under AS 40.15.305 may not be recorded under AS 40.17 without the commissioner's approval endorsed on the plat.
(e) After approval by the commissioner, the original plat shall be filed with the appropriate district recorder within 30 days by the submitting agency.
(f) The minimum monumentation requirements for
(1) right-of-way acquisition subdivisions are a 5/8 inch by 24 inch reinforcement bar with appropriate identification cap set points from which the right-of-way may be defined, not exceeding 1,320 feet or, when line of sight permits, 2,640 feet; all recovered monumented property corners of records, the lines of which are intersected by a right-of-way acquisition, shall be monumented as part of the right-of-way plat, either on the right-of-way line or at the original monument position;
(2) an airport parcel and land for a similar public purpose subdivision not defined by centerline shall be as provided in AS 40.15.320.
(g) If construction of improvements is scheduled to follow the right-of-way acquisition, the placement of the centerline monuments may be delayed until the improvements have been completed, in which case a statement designating the schedule for placing the monuments must be included on the plat.
(h) The state, its agencies, instrumentalities, or political subdivisions may acquire or obtain conveyances, including dedication of lots or tracts of a right-of-way acquisition plat, before submittal of a right-of-way acquisition plat for approval by the commissioner. A right-of-way acquisition conveyance may be recorded before approval and recording of the right-of-way acquisition plat.