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Article 1. Recording of Plats.
Sec. 40.15.010. Approval, filing, and recording of subdivisions. - Before the lots or tracts of any subdivision or dedication...
Sec. 40.15.020. Plats to be acknowledged and contain certificate that taxes and assessments are paid. - Every plat shall be acknowledged before an officer authorized to...
Sec. 40.15.030. Dedication of streets, alleys, and thoroughfares. - When an area is subdivided and a plat of the...
Sec. 40.15.040. Certified copy of plat as evidence. - A copy of a plat certified by the recorder of...
Sec. 40.15.050. Plats legalized. - All plats filed or recorded with the recorder before March...
Sec. 40.15.060. Missing plats. - When a filed or recorded plat is missing and a...
Article 2. Control of Plats, Subdivisions, and Dedications.
Sec. 40.15.070. Platting authority. - (a) If land proposed to be subdivided or dedicated is...
Article 3. Applicability.
Sec. 40.15.200. Application to state and political subdivisions. - All subdivisions of land made by the state, its agencies,...
Article 4. Platting in Areas Outside Certain Municipalities.
Sec. 40.15.300. Purposes of AS 40.15.300 - 40.15.380. - The purposes of AS 40.15.300 - 40.15.380 are to provide...
Sec. 40.15.305. Examination of plats before recording. - (a) The commissioner shall exercise the platting authority for the...
Sec. 40.15.310. Requirements for plat approval. - (a) Each plat must show on its face a certificate...
Sec. 40.15.320. Monuments. - (a) In a subdivision with five or fewer lots, the...
Sec. 40.15.330. Plat standards. - The commissioner shall establish plat standards by regulation.
Sec. 40.15.340. Engineering standards. - Except for subdivisions of state land, the commissioner may not...
Sec. 40.15.350. Certified copy of plat as evidence. - A copy of a plat certified by the recorder of...
Sec. 40.15.360. Applicability. - The provisions of AS 40.15.300 - 40.15.380 do not apply...
Sec. 40.15.370. Regulations. - The commissioner may adopt regulations to implement the provisions of...
Sec. 40.15.380. Applicability to governmental bodies; right-of-way acquisition plats. - (a) Except as provided in this section and AS 40.15.305(g),...
Article 5. General Provisions.
Sec. 40.15.900. Definitions. - In this chapter, (1) “commissioner” means the commissioner of natural...