(a) The board shall manage the assets and business of the corporation and may adopt, amend, and repeal bylaws and regulations governing the manner in which the business of the corporation is conducted and the manner in which its powers are exercised. The board shall delegate supervision of the administration of the corporation to the executive director, appointed in accordance with AS 31.25.045.
(b) The board shall adopt and publish procedures to govern the procurement by the corporation of supplies, services, professional services, and construction. The procurement procedures must provide for an Alaska veterans' preference that is consistent with the Alaska veterans' preference in AS 36.30.175.
(c) To the maximum extent practicable, the board shall
(1) maximize the efficient use of state resources; and
(2) establish appropriate separation within the corporation by separating personnel and functions and by other means to the extent that separation may be required by contract or applicable law for the purpose of screening and preventing the exchange of commercially sensitive information when developing an in-state natural gas pipeline, an Alaska liquefied natural gas project, and other transportation mechanisms to deliver natural gas in the state.
(d) The board may appoint a program director for an Alaska liquefied natural gas project. The board may appoint a separate program director for an in-state natural gas pipeline as described in the July 1, 2011, project plan prepared under former AS 38.34.040 and defined in AS 31.25.390. A program director appointed under this section shall
(1) serve at the pleasure of the board; and
(2) report to the executive director of the corporation.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 25. Alaska Gasline Development Corporation
Article 1. Organization, Administration, and Powers.
Sec. 31.25.007. Expedited review and action by state agencies or entities.
Sec. 31.25.020. Governing body.
Sec. 31.25.030. Meetings of board.
Sec. 31.25.035. Minutes of meetings.
Sec. 31.25.040. Administration of affairs; program directors.
Sec. 31.25.045. Executive director.
Sec. 31.25.050. Legal counsel.
Sec. 31.25.060. Employment of personnel.
Sec. 31.25.065. Personnel exempt from State Personnel Act.
Sec. 31.25.080. Powers and duties.
Sec. 31.25.090. Confidentiality; interagency cooperation.
Sec. 31.25.100. In-state natural gas pipeline fund.
Sec. 31.25.110. Alaska liquefied natural gas project fund.
Sec. 31.25.120. Creation of subsidiaries.