The corporation shall, for the benefit of the state, to the fullest extent possible,
(1) develop and have primary responsibility for developing natural gas pipelines, an Alaska liquefied natural gas project, and other transportation mechanisms to deliver natural gas in-state for the maximum benefit of the people of the state;
(2) when developing natural gas pipelines, an Alaska liquefied natural gas project, and other transportation mechanisms to deliver natural gas in-state, provide economic benefits in the state and revenue to the state;
(3) assist the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Revenue to maximize the value of the state's royalty natural gas, natural gas delivered to the state as payment of tax, and other natural gas received by the state;
(4) advance an in-state natural gas pipeline as described in the July 1, 2011, project plan prepared under former AS 38.34.040 by the corporation while a subsidiary of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, with modifications determined by the corporation to be appropriate to develop, finance, construct, and operate an in-state natural gas pipeline in a safe, prudent, economical, and efficient manner, for the purpose of making natural gas, including propane and other hydrocarbons associated with natural gas other than oil, available to Fairbanks, the Southcentral region of the state, and other communities in the state at the lowest rates possible;
(5) advance an Alaska liquefied natural gas project by developing infrastructure and providing related services, including services related to transportation, liquefaction, a marine terminal, marketing, and commercial support; if the corporation provides a service under this paragraph to the state, a public corporation or instrumentality of the state, a political subdivision of the state, or another entity of the state, the corporation may not charge a fee for the service in an amount greater than the amount necessary to reimburse the corporation for the cost of the service;
(6) endeavor to develop natural gas pipelines and other transportation mechanisms to deliver natural gas, including propane and other hydrocarbons associated with natural gas other than oil, to public utility and industrial customers in areas of the state to which the natural gas, including propane and other hydrocarbons associated with natural gas other than oil, may be delivered at commercially reasonable rates; and
(7) endeavor to develop natural gas pipelines and other transportation mechanisms that offer commercially reasonable rates for shippers and access for shippers who produce natural gas, including propane and other hydrocarbons associated with natural gas other than oil, in the state.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 25. Alaska Gasline Development Corporation
Article 1. Organization, Administration, and Powers.
Sec. 31.25.007. Expedited review and action by state agencies or entities.
Sec. 31.25.020. Governing body.
Sec. 31.25.030. Meetings of board.
Sec. 31.25.035. Minutes of meetings.
Sec. 31.25.040. Administration of affairs; program directors.
Sec. 31.25.045. Executive director.
Sec. 31.25.050. Legal counsel.
Sec. 31.25.060. Employment of personnel.
Sec. 31.25.065. Personnel exempt from State Personnel Act.
Sec. 31.25.080. Powers and duties.
Sec. 31.25.090. Confidentiality; interagency cooperation.
Sec. 31.25.100. In-state natural gas pipeline fund.
Sec. 31.25.110. Alaska liquefied natural gas project fund.
Sec. 31.25.120. Creation of subsidiaries.