Alaska Statutes
Chapter 20. Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act
Sec. 28.20.010. Declaration of purpose.

The legislature is concerned over the rising toll of motor vehicle accidents and the suffering and loss inflicted by them. The legislature determines that it is a matter of grave concern that motorists be financially responsible for their negligent acts so that innocent victims of motor vehicle accidents may be recompensed for the injury and financial loss inflicted upon them. The legislature finds and declares that the public interest can best be served by the requirements that the operator of a motor vehicle involved in an accident respond for damages and show proof of financial ability to respond for damages in future accidents as a prerequisite to the person's exercise of the privilege of operating a motor vehicle in the state.

Structure Alaska Statutes

Alaska Statutes

Title 28. Motor Vehicles

Chapter 20. Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act

Sec. 28.20.010. Declaration of purpose.

Sec. 28.20.020. Administration.

Sec. 28.20.050. Application of chapter.

Sec. 28.20.060. Exceptions to requirement of security.

Sec. 28.20.070. Requirements as to policy or bond.

Sec. 28.20.080. Form and amount of security.

Sec. 28.20.090. Suspension for failure to deposit security.

Sec. 28.20.100. Release from liability.

Sec. 28.20.110. Adjudication of nonliability.

Sec. 28.20.120. Agreements for payment of damages.

Sec. 28.20.130. Payment upon judgment.

Sec. 28.20.140. Termination of security requirement.

Sec. 28.20.150. Duration of suspension.

Sec. 28.20.160. Application to nonresidents, unlicensed drivers, unregistered vehicles, and accidents in other states.

Sec. 28.20.170. Authority of department to decrease amount of security.

Sec. 28.20.180. Correction of action of department.

Sec. 28.20.190. Custody of security.

Sec. 28.20.200. Disposition of security.

Sec. 28.20.210. Return of deposit.

Sec. 28.20.220. Matters not to be evidence in civil suits.

Sec. 28.20.230. Proof of financial responsibility for the future.

Sec. 28.20.240. Proof required when driving privilege is restricted.

Sec. 28.20.250. Action in respect to unlicensed person.

Sec. 28.20.260. When proof required after accidents.

Sec. 28.20.270. Suspension for nonpayment of judgments.

Sec. 28.20.280. When courts to report nonpayment of judgments.

Sec. 28.20.290. Further action with respect to nonresidents.

Sec. 28.20.300. Exception for government vehicles.

Sec. 28.20.310. Exception when consent granted by judgment creditor.

Sec. 28.20.320. Exceptions when insurer liable.

Sec. 28.20.325. Exemption for certain employee-drivers; applicability to employer.

Sec. 28.20.330. Suspension to continue until judgments paid and proof given.

Sec. 28.20.340. Driving while license cancelled, suspended, or revoked.

Sec. 28.20.360. Payments sufficient to satisfy requirements.

Sec. 28.20.370. Installment payment of judgments; default.

Sec. 28.20.380. Registration and operator's rights limited by extent of proof.

Sec. 28.20.390. Proof by persons who do not own a vehicle.

Sec. 28.20.400. Self-insurers.

Sec. 28.20.410. Certificate of insurance as proof.

Sec. 28.20.420. Certificate furnished by nonresident as proof.

Sec. 28.20.430. Default by nonresident insurer.

Sec. 28.20.440. Motor vehicle liability policy defined; required provisions.

Sec. 28.20.445. Uninsured and underinsured motorists coverage.

Sec. 28.20.450. Notice of cancellation or termination of certified policy.

Sec. 28.20.460. Chapter not to affect other policies.

Sec. 28.20.470. Bond as proof.

Sec. 28.20.480. Action on bond.

Sec. 28.20.500. Owner may give proof for others.

Sec. 28.20.510. Substitution of proof.

Sec. 28.20.520. Other proof may be required.

Sec. 28.20.530. Application of deposit.

Sec. 28.20.540. Duration, cancellation, and return of proof.

Sec. 28.20.550. Transfer of registration to defeat purpose of chapter prohibited.

Sec. 28.20.560. Surrender of license and registration, and false affidavits.

Sec. 28.20.570. Forged proof.

Sec. 28.20.580. Assigned risk plans.

Sec. 28.20.590. Past application of chapter.

Sec. 28.20.600. Chapter does not prevent other process.

Sec. 28.20.610. Provisions of chapter apply throughout state.

Sec. 28.20.630. Definitions.

Sec. 28.20.640. Short title.