Alaska Statutes
Chapter 27. Alaska Aerospace Corporation
Sec. 26.27.160. Security for bonds.

The corporation may issue bonds including but not limited to bonds on which the principal and interest are payable (1) exclusively from the income and revenue of the space-related project financed with the proceeds of the bonds, (2) exclusively from the income and revenue of designated space-related projects whether or not they are financed in whole or in part with the proceeds of the bonds, (3) from its revenue or other assets generally, or (4) exclusively from rents, fees, charges, or other revenue collected or received by the corporation. Bonds may be additionally secured by a pledge of a grant or contribution from the federal government or from another source, or by a pledge of income or revenue of the corporation, or by a mortgage of a space-related project or other property of the corporation.

Structure Alaska Statutes

Alaska Statutes

Title 26. Military Affairs, Veterans, Disasters, and Aerospace

Chapter 27. Alaska Aerospace Corporation

Sec. 26.27.010. Creation and termination of corporation.

Sec. 26.27.020. Board of directors.

Sec. 26.27.030. Chair and vice-chair.

Sec. 26.27.040. Meetings; staff.

Sec. 26.27.050. Alaska Aerospace Corporation fund.

Sec. 26.27.060. Insurance coverage; safety program.

Sec. 26.27.070. Space activities location.

Sec. 26.27.080. Licenses and permits.

Sec. 26.27.090. Purpose of the corporation.

Sec. 26.27.100. Powers and duties of the corporation.

Sec. 26.27.110. Regulations.

Sec. 26.27.120. Exercise by corporation of powers within municipalities.

Sec. 26.27.130. Trade secrets confidential.

Sec. 26.27.140. Approval of projects by legislature.

Sec. 26.27.150. Issuance of bonds, notes, and refunding bonds.

Sec. 26.27.160. Security for bonds.

Sec. 26.27.170. Limitation of liability on bonds.

Sec. 26.27.180. Issuance and sale of bonds and notes.

Sec. 26.27.190. Bonds exempt from taxes.

Sec. 26.27.200. Independent financial advisor.

Sec. 26.27.210. Additional powers to secure bonds or obligations under leases.

Sec. 26.27.220. Right of obligee of corporation to bring injunction.

Sec. 26.27.230. Power of corporation to confer upon obligee right to bring action or proceeding.

Sec. 26.27.240. Exemption of real property of corporation from execution or other process.

Sec. 26.27.250. Power of corporation to obtain federal aid and cooperation.

Sec. 26.27.260. Exemption from taxes and assessments.

Sec. 26.27.270. Disposal of surplus property.

Sec. 26.27.280. Public loans or donations to or cooperation with corporation.

Sec. 26.27.290. Reserve fund.

Sec. 26.27.300. Cooperation with other authorities.

Sec. 26.27.310. Investment of revenue.

Sec. 26.27.320. Legality of corporation bonds as investments.

Sec. 26.27.900. Definitions.