Alaska Statutes
Chapter 27. Alaska Aerospace Corporation
Sec. 26.27.100. Powers and duties of the corporation.

(a) In furtherance of its corporate purposes, in addition to its other powers the corporation may
(1) sue and be sued;
(2) adopt a seal;
(3) have perpetual succession;
(4) adopt, amend, and repeal bylaws and regulations;
(5) make and execute contracts and other instruments;
(6) in its own name acquire property, lease, rent, convey, or acquire real and personal property, except that a project site or part of a project site may not be acquired by eminent domain;
(7) issue bonds and otherwise incur indebtedness, in accordance with AS 26.27.150, in order to pay the cost of a project or projects to construct or improve launch facilities or other space and aerospace projects or in order to provide money for the corporation's purposes under this chapter; the corporation may also secure payment of the bonds or other indebtedness as provided in this chapter;
(8) accept gifts, grants, or loans from, and enter into contracts or other transactions regarding them with, a federal agency or an agency or instrumentality of the state, a municipality, private organization, or other source;
(9) enter into contracts or agreements with a federal agency, agency or instrumentality of the state, municipality, or public or private individual or entity, with respect to the exercise of its powers, and do all things necessary or convenient to carry out its corporate purposes and exercise the powers granted in this chapter;
(10) own, acquire, construct, develop, create, reconstruct, equip, operate, maintain, extend, and improve launch sites, launch pads, landing areas, ranges, payload facilities, laboratories, space business incubators, facilities for the construction of rockets and other launch vehicles, and other space facilities and space-related systems, including educational, cultural, tourism, and parking facilities, and space-related initiatives;
(11) undertake a program of advertising to the public and space-related businesses promoting the space-related projects of the corporation and space-related businesses;
(12) construct, improve, and operate by itself or in cooperation with the University of Alaska or the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities transportation facilities appropriate to meet the transportation requirements of a facility operated by the corporation;
(13) construct, improve, and operate water, sewage, and utility service to a facility operated by the corporation;
(14) construct, provide, or improve public safety facilities for a facility operated by the corporation;
(15) charge fees, rents, or other charges for the use of a facility, structure, or service developed, operated, or provided by the corporation including fees, rents, and other charges in excess of the actual operating cost of the use of the facility, structure, or service;
(16) pledge rents, fees, charges, or other revenue from the use of its services or facilities as security for bonds of the corporation;
(17) undertake to finance or develop a space-related project with any agency or authority of the state, its political subdivisions, agencies or authorities of other states, the federal government, foreign governments, or private entities;
(18) apply to the federal government for a grant allowing the designation of corporation territory as a foreign trade zone under AS 45.77.010;
(19) negotiate agreements for the overflight or recovery of a space vehicle, rocket, missile, payload, booster, scientific experiments or other space-related material, debris, or parts with any person or entity, including but not limited to adjacent landowners;
(20) lease the Poker Flat Research Range or portions of it from the University of Alaska and to lease to the University space-related facilities that the corporation may construct or acquire;
(21) apply for and hold in the name of the corporation patents, copyrights, and other intellectual property.
(b) The corporation shall
(1) prepare an annual report of its operations to include a balance sheet, an income statement, a statement of changes in financial position, a reconciliation of changes in equity accounts, a summary of significant accounting principles, an auditor's report, comments regarding the year's business, and prospects from the next year; the report shall be completed by the third day of each regular session of the legislature, and the corporation shall notify the governor, the presiding officers of each house of the legislature, the University of Alaska, and the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee that the report is available;
(2) submit its annual budget to the legislature through the governor as provided for state agencies by AS 37.07;
(3) establish a personnel management system for hiring employees and setting employee-benefit packages;
(4) establish procedures, rules, and rates governing per diem and travel expenses of the employees of the corporation in substantial conformity to statutes, procedures, rules, and rates governing state employees;
(5) fulfill its purposes, perform its duties, and exercise its power in a manner that does not interfere or restrict the educational and research functions of Poker Flat Research Range and the University of Alaska.

Structure Alaska Statutes

Alaska Statutes

Title 26. Military Affairs, Veterans, Disasters, and Aerospace

Chapter 27. Alaska Aerospace Corporation

Sec. 26.27.010. Creation and termination of corporation.

Sec. 26.27.020. Board of directors.

Sec. 26.27.030. Chair and vice-chair.

Sec. 26.27.040. Meetings; staff.

Sec. 26.27.050. Alaska Aerospace Corporation fund.

Sec. 26.27.060. Insurance coverage; safety program.

Sec. 26.27.070. Space activities location.

Sec. 26.27.080. Licenses and permits.

Sec. 26.27.090. Purpose of the corporation.

Sec. 26.27.100. Powers and duties of the corporation.

Sec. 26.27.110. Regulations.

Sec. 26.27.120. Exercise by corporation of powers within municipalities.

Sec. 26.27.130. Trade secrets confidential.

Sec. 26.27.140. Approval of projects by legislature.

Sec. 26.27.150. Issuance of bonds, notes, and refunding bonds.

Sec. 26.27.160. Security for bonds.

Sec. 26.27.170. Limitation of liability on bonds.

Sec. 26.27.180. Issuance and sale of bonds and notes.

Sec. 26.27.190. Bonds exempt from taxes.

Sec. 26.27.200. Independent financial advisor.

Sec. 26.27.210. Additional powers to secure bonds or obligations under leases.

Sec. 26.27.220. Right of obligee of corporation to bring injunction.

Sec. 26.27.230. Power of corporation to confer upon obligee right to bring action or proceeding.

Sec. 26.27.240. Exemption of real property of corporation from execution or other process.

Sec. 26.27.250. Power of corporation to obtain federal aid and cooperation.

Sec. 26.27.260. Exemption from taxes and assessments.

Sec. 26.27.270. Disposal of surplus property.

Sec. 26.27.280. Public loans or donations to or cooperation with corporation.

Sec. 26.27.290. Reserve fund.

Sec. 26.27.300. Cooperation with other authorities.

Sec. 26.27.310. Investment of revenue.

Sec. 26.27.320. Legality of corporation bonds as investments.

Sec. 26.27.900. Definitions.