In the sale of insurance by a financial institution, a person may not engage in any practice or use an advertisement that may tend to mislead or deceive a consumer or cause a consumer to erroneously believe that
(1) the insurance is backed by or a return on the insurance is guaranteed by the state, the federal government, the person, or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation;
(2) the state or federal government
(A) will pay a claim under an insurance contract that is an obligation of or was sold by the person;
(B) is responsible for the insurance sales activities of the person; or
(C) guarantees the credit of the person;
(3) for insurance that contains investment risk, the insurance does not contain investment risk, the principal may not be lost, or the value of the insurance may not decline;
(4) the lending of money, extension of credit, or a renewal of a loan is conditioned on the purchase of insurance from the person and that insurance may not be purchased from another source.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 36. Trade Practices and Frauds
Article 3. Financial Institutions; Loans; Credit.
Sec. 21.36.317. Licensing of persons in a financial institution.
Sec. 21.36.319. Anticoercion and antitying.
Sec. 21.36.321. Misrepresentation in financial institution sales.
Sec. 21.36.323. Disclosures required in financial institution sales.