In AS 19.30.111 - 19.30.241,
(1) “construction” means the building of a new road, street, or trail or the improvement of existing roads, streets or trails, and includes the necessary preliminary engineering, construction engineering and utility relocation;
(2) “home rule city” means a city as defined in AS 29.04.010;
(3) “local government” means an organized borough of any class, a unified municipality, or a city of any class;
(4) “local service road” means a public road that is used by an average of fewer than 750 vehicles each day and that is not designated as a route on the approved primary, urban, or interstate federal-aid highway system;
(5) “project” means an undertaking to construct a particular portion of a local service road or trail, or, if the context so implies, the particular portion of a local service road or trail so constructed;
(6) “secondary road” means a road that is not included in the approved federal-aid primary highway system and is being maintained by the state or local government;
(7) “trail” means a footpath or way on land or water that is open to public use as a matter of right whether or not a thoroughfare, particularly for dog sleds and mechanized snow vehicles.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 19. Highways and Ferries
Chapter 30. Access Roads and Local Service Roads and Trails
Article 3. Local Service Roads and Trails.
Sec. 19.30.127. Allocation districts.
Sec. 19.30.131. Allocation of funds.
Sec. 19.30.141. Acquisition and construction programs.
Sec. 19.30.151. Local government participation.
Sec. 19.30.161. Design standards, rights-of-way, and widths.
Sec. 19.30.171. Acquisition and conveyance of rights-of-way.
Sec. 19.30.181. Project agreements.
Sec. 19.30.191. Letting of contracts.