Design standards, rights-of-way, and widths for each local service road and trail project must have the prior approval of the commissioner, unless the project is under the supervision of a local government that has assumed local road powers. Where approval is required the commissioner must make a decision within 90 days after the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities' receipt of the local government's request. If the project is under the supervision of a local government that has assumed road powers and the project is not located on a federal-aid secondary route, design standards, rights-of-way, and widths shall be established by the local government. If a project under the supervision of a local government that has assumed road powers is located on a federal-aid secondary route, design standards, rights-of-way, and widths must have the prior approval of the commissioner.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 19. Highways and Ferries
Chapter 30. Access Roads and Local Service Roads and Trails
Article 3. Local Service Roads and Trails.
Sec. 19.30.127. Allocation districts.
Sec. 19.30.131. Allocation of funds.
Sec. 19.30.141. Acquisition and construction programs.
Sec. 19.30.151. Local government participation.
Sec. 19.30.161. Design standards, rights-of-way, and widths.
Sec. 19.30.171. Acquisition and conveyance of rights-of-way.
Sec. 19.30.181. Project agreements.
Sec. 19.30.191. Letting of contracts.