Whenever it is necessary to restrict the taking of big game so that the opportunity for state residents to take big game can be reasonably satisfied in accordance with sustained yield principles, the Board of Game may, through a permit system, limit the taking of big game by nonresidents and nonresident aliens to accomplish that purpose.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 05. Fish and Game Code and Definitions
Article 2. Boards of Fisheries and Game.
Sec. 16.05.221. Boards of fisheries and game.
Sec. 16.05.241. Powers excluded.
Sec. 16.05.251. Regulations of the Board of Fisheries.
Sec. 16.05.253. Operation of stationary fishing gear.
Sec. 16.05.255. Regulations of the Board of Game; management requirements.
Sec. 16.05.256. Nonresident and nonresident alien permits.
Sec. 16.05.258. Subsistence use and allocation of fish and game.
Sec. 16.05.259. No subsistence defense.
Sec. 16.05.260. Advisory committees.
Sec. 16.05.270. Delegation of authority to commissioner.
Sec. 16.05.280. Removal of board members.
Sec. 16.05.290. Compensation of board members.
Sec. 16.05.300. Board meetings.
Sec. 16.05.305. Clerical assistance for boards.
Sec. 16.05.310. Special board meetings.