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Sec. 16.05.221. Boards of fisheries and game. - (a) For purposes of the conservation and development of the...
Sec. 16.05.241. Powers excluded. - The boards have regulation-making powers as set out in this...
Sec. 16.05.251. Regulations of the Board of Fisheries. - (a) The Board of Fisheries may adopt regulations it considers...
Sec. 16.05.253. Operation of stationary fishing gear. - (a) The Board of Fisheries may require a person who...
Sec. 16.05.255. Regulations of the Board of Game; management requirements. - (a) The Board of Game may adopt regulations it considers...
Sec. 16.05.256. Nonresident and nonresident alien permits. - Whenever it is necessary to restrict the taking of big...
Sec. 16.05.258. Subsistence use and allocation of fish and game. - (a) Except in nonsubsistence areas, the Board of Fisheries and...
Sec. 16.05.259. No subsistence defense. - In a prosecution for the taking of fish or game...
Sec. 16.05.260. Advisory committees. - The Board of Fisheries and the Board of Game may...
Sec. 16.05.270. Delegation of authority to commissioner. - For the purpose of administering AS 16.05.251 and 16.05.255, each...
Sec. 16.05.280. Removal of board members. - The governor may only remove a board member for inefficiency,...
Sec. 16.05.290. Compensation of board members. - Each member of a board is entitled to compensation at...
Sec. 16.05.300. Board meetings. - (a) Each board shall hold at least one meeting a...
Sec. 16.05.305. Clerical assistance for boards. - The Board of Fisheries and the Board of Game are...
Sec. 16.05.310. Special board meetings. - A board may meet at any time upon the call...
Sec. 16.05.315. Joint board meetings. - The Board of Fisheries and the Board of Game may...
Sec. 16.05.320. Quorum. - A majority of the members of a board constitutes a...