(a) No less than seven days preceding the day of election, the election supervisor, in the presence and with the assistance of the district absentee ballot counting board, shall review all voter certificates of absentee ballots received by that date. The review of absentee ballots shall continue at times designated by the election supervisor until completed.
(b) Counting of absentee ballots that have been reviewed shall begin at 8:00 p.m., local time, on the day of the election at places designated by each election supervisor and shall continue until all absentee ballots reviewed and eligible for counting have been counted. The counting teams shall report the count of absentee ballots to the district absentee ballot counting board. An election supervisor or an election official may not count absentee ballots before 8:00 p.m., local time, on the day of the election. Counting of the absentee ballots shall continue at times designated by the election supervisor until all absentee ballots are counted.
(c) Not later than the 15th day following the day of the election, the district absentee ballot counting board shall certify the absentee ballot review.
(d) Absentee ballots received in the office of an election supervisor after the completion of the district absentee ballot counting review shall be forwarded immediately to the director by the most expeditious service.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 20. Special Procedures for Elections
Sec. 15.20.010. Persons who may vote absentee.
Sec. 15.20.015. Moving from house district just before election.
Sec. 15.20.020. Provision for general administrative supervision.
Sec. 15.20.030. Preparation of ballots, envelopes, and other material.
Sec. 15.20.040. Distribution of ballots, envelopes, and other material.
Sec. 15.20.045. Designation of absentee voting officials and stations.
Sec. 15.20.050. Requirement of full public notice.
Sec. 15.20.061. Absentee voting in person.
Sec. 15.20.066. Absentee voting by electronic transmission.
Sec. 15.20.072. Special needs voting.
Sec. 15.20.160. Fee prohibited.
Sec. 15.20.170. Disposition of ballots.
Sec. 15.20.180. Names of absentee voters to be made available.
Sec. 15.20.190. Appointment, duties, and compensation of district counting boards.
Sec. 15.20.201. Time of district absentee ballot counting review.
Sec. 15.20.203. Procedure for district absentee ballot counting review.
Sec. 15.20.205. Time of district questioned ballot counting review.
Sec. 15.20.207. Procedure for district questioned ballot review.
Sec. 15.20.211. Counting cross-district and certain write-in votes.