(a) A qualified voter with a disability who, because of that disability, is unable to go to a polling place to vote may vote a special needs ballot.
(b) The voter may, through a representative, request a special needs ballot from the following election officials at the times specified:
(1) from an absentee voting official on or after the 15th day before an election, up to and including election day;
(2) from an election supervisor on or after the 15th day before an election up to and including election day;
(3) from an absentee voting official at an absentee voting station designated under AS 15.20.045(b) on or after the 15th day before an election up to and including the date of the election; or
(4) from a member of the precinct election board on election day.
(c) If the request for a special needs ballot is made through a representative, the representative shall sign a register provided by an election official. The register must include the following information:
(1) the representative's name;
(2) the representative's residence and mailing address;
(3) the representative's social security number, voter identification number, or date of birth;
(4) the name of the voter on whose behalf the representative is requesting a ballot and voting materials;
(5) an oath that the representative
(A) is receiving a ballot and voting materials on behalf of the voter;
(B) will not vote the ballot for the voter;
(C) will not coerce the voter;
(D) will not divulge the vote cast by the voter; and
(E) has been notified that unlawful interference with voting is punishable under AS 15.56.030;
(6) the representative's signature.
(d) The representative shall deliver the special needs ballot and other voting materials to the voter as soon as practicable. The voter shall mark the ballot in secret, place the ballot in the secrecy sleeve, and place the secrecy sleeve in the envelope provided. The voter shall provide the information on the envelope that would be required for absentee voting if the voter voted in person. The voter shall sign the voter's certificate in the presence of the representative. The representative shall sign as attesting official and date the voter's signature.
(e) The representative shall deliver the ballot and voter certificate to an election official not later than 8:00 p.m. Alaska time on election day.
(f) If a qualified voter's disability precludes the voter from performing any of the requirements of (d) of this section, the representative may perform those requirements, except making the voting decision, on the voter's behalf.
(g) The voter's employer, an agent of the voter's employer, or an officer or agent of the voter's union may not act as a representative for the voter. A candidate for office at an election may not act as a representative for a voter in the election.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 20. Special Procedures for Elections
Sec. 15.20.010. Persons who may vote absentee.
Sec. 15.20.015. Moving from house district just before election.
Sec. 15.20.020. Provision for general administrative supervision.
Sec. 15.20.030. Preparation of ballots, envelopes, and other material.
Sec. 15.20.040. Distribution of ballots, envelopes, and other material.
Sec. 15.20.045. Designation of absentee voting officials and stations.
Sec. 15.20.050. Requirement of full public notice.
Sec. 15.20.061. Absentee voting in person.
Sec. 15.20.066. Absentee voting by electronic transmission.
Sec. 15.20.072. Special needs voting.
Sec. 15.20.160. Fee prohibited.
Sec. 15.20.170. Disposition of ballots.
Sec. 15.20.180. Names of absentee voters to be made available.
Sec. 15.20.190. Appointment, duties, and compensation of district counting boards.
Sec. 15.20.201. Time of district absentee ballot counting review.
Sec. 15.20.203. Procedure for district absentee ballot counting review.
Sec. 15.20.205. Time of district questioned ballot counting review.
Sec. 15.20.207. Procedure for district questioned ballot review.
Sec. 15.20.211. Counting cross-district and certain write-in votes.