Alaska Statutes
Chapter 15. Elections and Ballots
Sec. 15.15.100. Time off for voting.

A qualified voter who does not have sufficient time outside working hours within which to vote at a state election may, without loss of pay, take off as much working time as will enable voting. If any employee has two consecutive hours in which to vote, either between the opening of the polls and the beginning of the employee's regular working shift, or between the end of the regular working shift and the closing of the polls, the employee shall be considered to have sufficient time outside working hours within which to vote.

Structure Alaska Statutes

Alaska Statutes

Title 15. Elections

Chapter 15. Elections and Ballots

Sec. 15.15.010. General administrative supervision by director.

Sec. 15.15.020. Date of general election.

Sec. 15.15.025. Top four nonpartisan open primary.

Sec. 15.15.030. Preparation of official ballot.

Sec. 15.15.032. Use of electronically generated ballots.

Sec. 15.15.035. Printing of ballots and other material.

Sec. 15.15.040. Preparation of other election materials.

Sec. 15.15.050. Distribution of election materials.

Sec. 15.15.060. Polling places, voting booths, and supplies.

Sec. 15.15.070. Public notice of election required.

Sec. 15.15.080. Time for opening and closing polls.

Sec. 15.15.090. Designation of precinct polling place.

Sec. 15.15.100. Time off for voting.

Sec. 15.15.110. General duties and oath of election board.

Sec. 15.15.120. Filling vacancies in election board.

Sec. 15.15.130. Majority decision of election board.

Sec. 15.15.140. Permitted use of unofficial ballots.

Sec. 15.15.150. Official opening of polls.

Sec. 15.15.160. Prohibition of political discussion by election board.

Sec. 15.15.170. Prohibition of political persuasion near election polls.

Sec. 15.15.180. Keeping of register.

Sec. 15.15.195. Voters on official registration list.

Sec. 15.15.198. Voters not on official registration list.

Sec. 15.15.210. Questioning of voters of suspect qualification.

Sec. 15.15.215. Disposition of questioned votes.

Sec. 15.15.220. Administration of oaths.

Sec. 15.15.225. Voter identification at polls.

Sec. 15.15.230. Providing ballot to voter.

Sec. 15.15.240. Voter assistance.

Sec. 15.15.250. Disposition of spoiled ballot.

Sec. 15.15.260. Placing ballot in ballot box by voter.

Sec. 15.15.270. Leaving polling place with ballot prohibited.

Sec. 15.15.280. Prohibiting the exhibition of marked ballots.

Sec. 15.15.290. Prohibiting the identification of ballots.

Sec. 15.15.300. Prohibiting the count of exhibited ballots.

Sec. 15.15.310. Official closing of polls.

Sec. 15.15.320. Voters in line when polls close.

Sec. 15.15.330. Commencement of ballot count.

Sec. 15.15.340. Duties, oath, and vacancies of additional election officials.

Sec. 15.15.350. General procedure for ballot count.

Sec. 15.15.360. Rules for counting ballots.

Sec. 15.15.361. Stickers.

Sec. 15.15.365. Counting of write-in votes in general election.

Sec. 15.15.370. Completion of ballot count; certificate.

Sec. 15.15.380. Payment of election board members.

Sec. 15.15.390. Election expenses.

Sec. 15.15.400. Preparation of voter list.

Sec. 15.15.410. Plural voting.

Sec. 15.15.420. Duty to review the ballot counting.

Sec. 15.15.430. Scope of the review of ballot counting.

Sec. 15.15.440. State ballot counting review.

Sec. 15.15.450. Certification of state ballot counting review.

Sec. 15.15.460. Tie votes.

Sec. 15.15.470. Preservation of election ballots, papers, and materials.

Sec. 15.15.480. Security of ballots.