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Sec. 15.15.010. General administrative supervision by director. - The director shall provide general administrative supervision over the conduct...
Sec. 15.15.020. Date of general election. - The general election is held on the Tuesday after the...
Sec. 15.15.025. Top four nonpartisan open primary. - A voter qualified under AS 15.05 may cast a vote...
Sec. 15.15.030. Preparation of official ballot. - The director shall prepare all official ballots to facilitate fairness,...
Sec. 15.15.032. Use of electronically generated ballots. - (a) If the director provides for voting by use of...
Sec. 15.15.035. Printing of ballots and other material. - The director may not be required to do business with...
Sec. 15.15.040. Preparation of other election materials. - (a) The director shall prescribe the form of and prepare...
Sec. 15.15.050. Distribution of election materials. - The director shall distribute an adequate supply of sample and...
Sec. 15.15.060. Polling places, voting booths, and supplies. - (a) Immediately following the appointment of the election board, the...
Sec. 15.15.070. Public notice of election required. - (a) The director shall give and is authorized to contract...
Sec. 15.15.080. Time for opening and closing polls. - (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, on...
Sec. 15.15.090. Designation of precinct polling place. - The polling place shall be located within the precinct unless...
Sec. 15.15.100. Time off for voting. - A qualified voter who does not have sufficient time outside...
Sec. 15.15.110. General duties and oath of election board. - The election board shall supervise the election in the precinct....
Sec. 15.15.120. Filling vacancies in election board. - If an appointed election board member fails to appear and...
Sec. 15.15.130. Majority decision of election board. - The decision of the majority of election board members determines...
Sec. 15.15.140. Permitted use of unofficial ballots. - (a) If the election board receives an insufficient number of...
Sec. 15.15.150. Official opening of polls. - On the day and hour of election, the election board...
Sec. 15.15.160. Prohibition of political discussion by election board. - During the hours that the polls are open, an election...
Sec. 15.15.170. Prohibition of political persuasion near election polls. - During the hours the polls are open, a person who...
Sec. 15.15.180. Keeping of register. - The election officials shall keep a register or registers in...
Sec. 15.15.195. Voters on official registration list. - An election official in a precinct shall allow a voter...
Sec. 15.15.198. Voters not on official registration list. - (a) If a voter's name does not appear on the...
Sec. 15.15.210. Questioning of voters of suspect qualification. - Every election official shall question, and every watcher and any...
Sec. 15.15.215. Disposition of questioned votes. - (a) A voter who casts a questioned ballot shall vote...
Sec. 15.15.220. Administration of oaths. - Any election official may administer to a voter any oath...
Sec. 15.15.225. Voter identification at polls. - (a) Before being allowed to vote, each voter shall exhibit...
Sec. 15.15.230. Providing ballot to voter. - When the voter has qualified to vote, the election official...
Sec. 15.15.240. Voter assistance. - A qualified voter needing assistance in voting may request an...
Sec. 15.15.250. Disposition of spoiled ballot. - If a voter improperly marks, damages, or otherwise spoils a...
Sec. 15.15.260. Placing ballot in ballot box by voter. - When the voter has marked a ballot, the voter shall...
Sec. 15.15.270. Leaving polling place with ballot prohibited. - A voter may not leave the polling place with the...
Sec. 15.15.280. Prohibiting the exhibition of marked ballots. - Subject to AS 15.15.240 a voter may not exhibit the...
Sec. 15.15.290. Prohibiting the identification of ballots. - While the polls are open, an election official may not...
Sec. 15.15.300. Prohibiting the count of exhibited ballots. - An election official may not allow a ballot to be...
Sec. 15.15.310. Official closing of polls. - Fifteen minutes before and at the time of closing the...
Sec. 15.15.320. Voters in line when polls close. - Every qualified voter present and in line at the time...
Sec. 15.15.330. Commencement of ballot count. - When the polls are closed and the last vote has...
Sec. 15.15.340. Duties, oath, and vacancies of additional election officials. - Additional election officials shall report to the election board at...
Sec. 15.15.350. General procedure for ballot count. - (a) The director may adopt regulations prescribing the manner in...
Sec. 15.15.360. Rules for counting ballots. - (a) The election board shall count ballots according to the...
Sec. 15.15.361. Stickers. - Affixing stickers on a ballot in an election to vote...
Sec. 15.15.365. Counting of write-in votes in general election. - (a) Write-in votes on a general election ballot shall be...
Sec. 15.15.370. Completion of ballot count; certificate. - When the count of ballots is completed, and in no...
Sec. 15.15.380. Payment of election board members. - The director shall pay each election board member for time...
Sec. 15.15.390. Election expenses. - The director shall prescribe the manner of certifying, auditing, and...
Sec. 15.15.400. Preparation of voter list. - The director shall prepare both a statewide list and a...
Sec. 15.15.410. Plural voting. - Upon a determination that a person has voted more than...
Sec. 15.15.420. Duty to review the ballot counting. - The director shall review the counting of the ballots with...
Sec. 15.15.430. Scope of the review of ballot counting. - (a) The review of ballot counting by the director shall...
Sec. 15.15.440. State ballot counting review. - The state ballot counting review shall begin as soon as...
Sec. 15.15.450. Certification of state ballot counting review. - Upon completion of the state ballot counting review the director...
Sec. 15.15.460. Tie votes. - If two or more candidates tie in having the highest...
Sec. 15.15.470. Preservation of election ballots, papers, and materials. - The director shall preserve all precinct election certificates, tallies, and...
Sec. 15.15.480. Security of ballots. - All official ballots in the possession of election officials, whether...