Alaska Statutes
Chapter 13. State Election Campaigns
Sec. 15.13.135. Independent expenditures for or against candidates.

(a) An independent expenditure supporting or opposing a candidate for election to public office, except an independent expenditure made by a nongroup entity with an annual operating budget of $250 or less, shall be reported in accordance with AS 15.13.040 and 15.13.100 - 15.13.110 and other requirements of this chapter.
(b) A person who makes independent expenditures for a mass mailing, for distribution of campaign literature of any sort, for a television, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertisement, or any other communication that supports or opposes a candidate for election to public office
(1) shall comply with AS 15.13.090; and
(2) shall place the following statement in the mailing, literature, advertisement, or other communication so that it is readily and easily discernible:
This NOTICE TO VOTERS is required by Alaska law. (I/we) certify that this (mailing/literature/advertisement) is not authorized, paid for, or approved by the candidate.

Structure Alaska Statutes

Alaska Statutes

Title 15. Elections

Chapter 13. State Election Campaigns

Sec. 15.13.010. Applicability.

Sec. 15.13.020. Alaska Public Offices Commission.

Sec. 15.13.030. Duties of the commission.

Sec. 15.13.040. Contributions, expenditures, and supplying of services to be reported.

Sec. 15.13.045. Investigations, hearings.

Sec. 15.13.050. Registration before expenditure.

Sec. 15.13.052. Independent expenditures; political activities accounts.

Sec. 15.13.060. Campaign treasurers.

Sec. 15.13.065. Contributions.

Sec. 15.13.067. Who may make expenditures.

Sec. 15.13.068. Expenditures and contributions by foreign-influenced corporations and foreign nationals.

Sec. 15.13.069. Certain expenditures that comply with charitable gaming provisions permitted.

Sec. 15.13.070. Limitations on amount of political contributions.

Sec. 15.13.072. Restrictions on solicitation and acceptance of contributions.

Sec. 15.13.074. Prohibited contributions.

Sec. 15.13.076. Authorized recipients of contributions.

Sec. 15.13.078. Contributions and loans from the candidate.

Sec. 15.13.082. Limitations on expenditures.

Sec. 15.13.084. Prohibited expenditures.

Sec. 15.13.086. Authorized makers of expenditures.

Sec. 15.13.090. Identification of communication.

Sec. 15.13.095. False statements in telephone polling and calls to convince.

Sec. 15.13.100. Expenditures before filing.

Sec. 15.13.110. Filing of reports.

Sec. 15.13.111. Preservation of records.

Sec. 15.13.112. Uses of campaign contributions held by candidate or group.

Sec. 15.13.114. Disposition of prohibited contributions.

Sec. 15.13.116. Disbursement of campaign assets after election.

Sec. 15.13.135. Independent expenditures for or against candidates.

Sec. 15.13.140. Independent expenditures for or against ballot proposition or question.

Sec. 15.13.145. Money of the state and its political subdivisions.

Sec. 15.13.150. Election educational activities not prohibited.

Sec. 15.13.155. Restrictions on earned income and honoraria.

Sec. 15.13.374. Advisory opinion.

Sec. 15.13.380. Violations; limitations on actions.

Sec. 15.13.385. Legal counsel.

Sec. 15.13.390. Civil penalty; late filing of required reports.

Sec. 15.13.400. Definitions.