(a) A school district shall inform the parent of a child with a disability of the right
(1) to review the child's educational record;
(2) to review evaluation tests and procedures;
(3) to refuse to permit evaluation or a change in the child's educational placement;
(4) to be informed of the results of evaluation;
(5) to obtain an independent evaluation by choosing a person from a list provided by the school district or by choosing a person by agreement between the parent and school district;
(6) to request a due process hearing;
(7) to appeal a hearing officer's decision; and
(8) to give consent or deny access to others to the child's educational record.
(b) The department shall establish, by regulation, impartial procedures for a school district to follow for due process hearings to comply with requirements necessary to participate in federal grant-in-aid programs, including 20 U.S.C. 1400 - 1482 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act).
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 14. Education, Libraries, and Museums
Chapter 30. Pupils and Educational Programs for Pupils
Article 5. Education for Children With Disabilities.
Sec. 14.30.186. Coverage; regulations.
Sec. 14.30.191. Educational evaluation and placement.
Sec. 14.30.193. Due process hearing.
Sec. 14.30.231. Advisory panel.
Sec. 14.30.235. Withdrawal of consent.
Sec. 14.30.250. Teacher qualifications.
Sec. 14.30.255. Administrator qualifications.
Sec. 14.30.272. Procedural safeguards.
Sec. 14.30.274. Identification of children with disabilities.
Sec. 14.30.276. Least restrictive environment.
Sec. 14.30.278. Individualized education program; transition services.
Sec. 14.30.285. Transfers of children with disabilities.
Sec. 14.30.305. State support of programs for children hospitalized or confined to their homes.
Sec. 14.30.325. Surrogate parents.
Sec. 14.30.335. Eligibility for federal funds.
Sec. 14.30.340. Provision of special education in a private school, home, or hospital setting.
Sec. 14.30.347. Transportation of children with disabilities.