Alaska Statutes
Article 5. Professional Teaching Practices Act.
Sec. 14.20.470. Powers of commission.

(a) The commission may
(1) study proposals developed by regular committees of any existing professional organization whose members are within the teaching profession;
(2) subpoena witnesses, place them under oath, and maintain written records;
(3) warn or reprimand members of the teaching profession, if in the judgment of the commission such action is warranted;
(4) suspend or revoke the certificate of a member of the teaching profession for one of the reasons set out in AS 14.20.030 except that in the case of an administrator, the commissioner must concur;
(5) make any recommendation to the board or to school boards that will promote an improvement in the teaching profession;
(6) request assistance through any of the investigative processes of any existing professional teaching organizations when analyzing charges of breach of ethical or professional teaching practices;
(7) appoint an executive secretary, delegate those ministerial functions to the executive secretary as the commission may decide and set the executive secretary's compensation with a starting salary not exceeding range 26, step B of the pay plan for state employees in AS 39.27.011(a).
(b) A decision issued by the commission with the approval of the commissioner under (a)(4) of this section is final.