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Article 1. Teacher Certification.
Sec. 14.20.010. Teacher certificate required. - A person may not be employed as a teacher in...
Sec. 14.20.015. Recognition of certificates of out-of-state teachers. - (a) Notwithstanding the requirements of AS 14.20.020, the department shall...
Sec. 14.20.017. Grace period for issuance of regular teacher certificates to previously certificated teachers. - (a) The department shall issue a teacher certificate as described...
Sec. 14.20.020. Requirements for issuance of certificate; fingerprints. - (a) Except as provided in (f) of this section, the...
Sec. 14.20.022. Subject-matter expert limited teacher certificate. - (a) Notwithstanding AS 14.20.020, a person may be issued a...
Sec. 14.20.023. Limited language immersion teacher certificates. - (a) Notwithstanding AS 14.20.020(b), the department may issue a limited...
Sec. 14.20.025. Limited teacher certificates. - Notwithstanding AS 14.20.020(b), a person may be issued a limited...
Sec. 14.20.027. Reporting of and access to social security numbers. - Notwithstanding AS 14.20.010 - 14.20.040, the department may not issue...
Sec. 14.20.030. Causes for revocation and suspension. - (a) The commissioner or the Professional Teaching Practices Commission may...
Sec. 14.20.035. Evaluation of training and experience. - In evaluating an applicant for a position in a district...
Sec. 14.20.040. Applicability of the Administrative Procedure Act. - AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act) applies to all proceedings under...
Article 2. Employment and Tenure.
Sec. 14.20.095. Right to comment and criticize not to be restricted. - A bylaw or regulation of the commissioner, a school board,...
Sec. 14.20.097. Duty-free time. - Each governing body shall allow its teachers in school facilities...
Sec. 14.20.100. Unlawful to require statement of religious or political affiliation. - A school board, or a member of a school board,...
Sec. 14.20.110. Penalty for violation of AS 14.20.100. - A person violating AS 14.20.100 is punishable by a fine...
Sec. 14.20.120. Statement of qualifications. - A statement of the qualifications of each teacher and superintendent...
Sec. 14.20.130. Employment contracts. - An employer may, after January 1, issue contracts for the...
Sec. 14.20.136. Reemployment of member of teachers' retirement system. - (a) Subject to (b) - (d) of this section, a...
Sec. 14.20.140. Notification of lay off or nonretention. - (a) If a teacher who has acquired tenure rights is...
Sec. 14.20.145. Automatic reemployment. - If notification of nonretention or layoff is not given according...
Sec. 14.20.147. Transfer or absorption of attendance area and teachers. - (a) When an attendance area is transferred from a currently...
Sec. 14.20.148. Intradistrict teacher reassignments. - When a teacher is involuntarily transferred or reassigned to a...
Sec. 14.20.149. Employee evaluation. - (a) A school board shall adopt a certificated employee evaluation...
Sec. 14.20.150. Acquisition and reacquisition of tenure rights. - (a) Except as provided in (c) or (d) of this...
Sec. 14.20.155. Effect of tenure rights. - (a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, a teacher...
Sec. 14.20.158. Continued contract provisions. - Continuation of the provisions of a teacher's contract under AS...
Sec. 14.20.160. Loss of tenure rights. - Tenure rights are lost when the teacher's employment in the...
Sec. 14.20.165. Restoration of tenure rights. - A teacher who held tenure rights and who was retired...
Sec. 14.20.170. Dismissal. - (a) A teacher, including a teacher who has acquired tenure...
Sec. 14.20.175. Nonretention. - (a) A teacher who has not acquired tenure rights is...
Sec. 14.20.177. Reductions in force. - (a) A school district may implement a layoff plan under...
Sec. 14.20.180. Procedures upon notice of dismissal or nonretention. - (a) Before a teacher is dismissed, the employer shall give...
Sec. 14.20.210. Authority of school board or department to adopt bylaws. - A school board or the department may adopt teacher tenure...
Sec. 14.20.215. Definitions. - In AS 14.20.010 - 14.20.215, (1) “continuous employment” means employment...
Article 3. Salary Scales.
Sec. 14.20.220. School experience for salary scales. - (a) [Repealed, § 52 ch 6 SLA 1984.] (b) [Repealed,...
Article 4. Sabbatical Leave.
Sec. 14.20.280. Basis of leave. - A teacher who has rendered active service for seven or...
Sec. 14.20.290. Application. - A teacher who wishes to take sabbatical leave shall apply...
Sec. 14.20.300. Selection of teachers. - (a) The governing body of the school district has the...
Sec. 14.20.310. Number of teachers on sabbatical leave; compensation. - (a) The number of teachers eligible for sabbatical leave that...
Sec. 14.20.320. Responsibility of teacher. - Upon the return of a teacher to the teaching position,...
Sec. 14.20.330. Position, tenure, and retirement. - (a) Unless it is otherwise agreed, a teacher returning from...
Sec. 14.20.340. Military service and previous leaves of absence. - To determine eligibility for sabbatical leave, tours of military service...
Sec. 14.20.345. Leave of absence without pay. - (a) A teacher may be granted a leave of absence...
Sec. 14.20.350. Definition. - In AS 14.20.280 - 14.20.350, “teacher” means a certificated member...
Article 5. Professional Teaching Practices Act.
Sec. 14.20.370. Teaching profession. - Teachers required by state law to be certificated, instructors in...
Sec. 14.20.380. Creation of a commission. - There is a commission of professional educators known as the...
Sec. 14.20.390. Appointment and qualifications. - The commission consists of nine members appointed by the governor...
Sec. 14.20.400. Composition of the commission. - The commission consists of the following members: (1) five classroom...
Sec. 14.20.410. Selection of members. - (a) Members of the commission shall be selected as follows:...
Sec. 14.20.420. Term of office. - (a) The term of office for each member of the...
Sec. 14.20.430. Dismissal. - Any member may be removed by the governor for misconduct,...
Sec. 14.20.440. Reimbursement. - Members of the commission shall receive per diem according to...
Sec. 14.20.450. Responsibilities of commission. - The commission shall have the initial responsibility of developing, through...
Sec. 14.20.460. Duties of commission. - The commission shall (1) establish procedures, and adopt regulations to...
Sec. 14.20.470. Powers of commission. - (a) The commission may (1) study proposals developed by regular...
Sec. 14.20.475. Applicability of the Administrative Procedure Act. - AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act) applies to regulations and proceedings...
Sec. 14.20.480. Effect of standards. - Members of the teaching profession are obligated to abide by...
Sec. 14.20.500. Support. - In addition to available state funds, the commission shall also...
Sec. 14.20.510. Short title. - AS 14.20.370 - 14.20.510 shall be known as the Professional...
Article 6. Interstate Agreement on Qualification of Educational Personnel.
Sec. 14.20.620. Entry into agreement. - The interstate Agreement on Qualification of Educational Personnel is enacted...
Sec. 14.20.630. Terms and provisions of agreement. - The terms and provisions of the agreement referred to in...
Sec. 14.20.640. Designated state official to make contracts. - The designated state official to make contracts on behalf of...
Sec. 14.20.650. Filing and publishing of contracts. - True copies of all contracts made on behalf of this...
Article 7. Required Training.
Sec. 14.20.680. Required alcohol and drug related disabilities training. - (a) A school district or regional educational attendance area shall...