(a) A person is entitled to a transporter license if the person
(1) applies for a transporter license on a form provided by the department; and
(2) pays the license application fee and the license fee.
(b) A transporter may provide transportation services and accommodations to big game hunters in the field at a permanent lodge, house, or cabin owned by the transporter or on a boat with permanent living quarters located on salt water. A transporter may not provide big game hunting services without holding the appropriate license.
(c) A transporter shall provide an annual activity report on a form provided by the department. An activity report must contain all information required by the board by regulation.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 8. Business and Professions
Chapter 54. Big Game Guides and Related Occupations
Article 1. Big Game Guides and Transporters.
Sec. 08.54.591. Creation and membership of board.
Sec. 08.54.595. Board assistance.
Sec. 08.54.600. Duties of board.
Sec. 08.54.605. Eligibility for licenses.
Sec. 08.54.608. Retired status license.
Sec. 08.54.610. Registered guide-outfitter license.
Sec. 08.54.620. Class-A assistant guide license.
Sec. 08.54.630. Assistant guide license.
Sec. 08.54.635. Delegation of services; training.
Sec. 08.54.640. Law enforcement officers and game biologists.
Sec. 08.54.650. Transporter license.
Sec. 08.54.660. Renewal of guide and transporter licenses.
Sec. 08.54.670. Failure to renew.
Sec. 08.54.680. Financial responsibility and other requirements for guides and transporters.