(a) For the purposes of licensing and regulating the activities of providers of commercial services to big game hunters in the interest of the state's wildlife resources, there is created the Big Game Commercial Services Board. For administrative purposes, the board is in the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development.
(b) The board consists of nine members as follows:
(1) two members who are current, licensed registered guide-outfitters;
(2) two members who are licensed transporters;
(3) one member of the Board of Game who is chosen by the Board of Game and who does not hold a guide or transport license;
(4) two members who represent private landholders affected by guided hunting activities or transportation services and who do not hold a license issued under this chapter; and
(5) two public members.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 8. Business and Professions
Chapter 54. Big Game Guides and Related Occupations
Article 1. Big Game Guides and Transporters.
Sec. 08.54.591. Creation and membership of board.
Sec. 08.54.595. Board assistance.
Sec. 08.54.600. Duties of board.
Sec. 08.54.605. Eligibility for licenses.
Sec. 08.54.608. Retired status license.
Sec. 08.54.610. Registered guide-outfitter license.
Sec. 08.54.620. Class-A assistant guide license.
Sec. 08.54.630. Assistant guide license.
Sec. 08.54.635. Delegation of services; training.
Sec. 08.54.640. Law enforcement officers and game biologists.
Sec. 08.54.650. Transporter license.
Sec. 08.54.660. Renewal of guide and transporter licenses.
Sec. 08.54.670. Failure to renew.
Sec. 08.54.680. Financial responsibility and other requirements for guides and transporters.