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Part 1 - Temporary Assistance
§ 71-3-101. Short Title - This may be cited as the “Families First Act of...
§ 71-3-102. Program Subject to Availability of Federal Funds - Continuation of the families first program is subject to, and...
§ 71-3-104. Eligibility for Temporary Assistance - The children in the family receive immunizations and health checks;...
§ 71-3-108. Modifications to Program — Federal Waivers - provided, however, that the department shall promulgate permanent rules pursuant...
§ 71-3-110. Distribution System - The commissioner of human services has the authority to establish...
§ 71-3-116. Veterans Education Benefits - Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, to the extent...
§ 71-3-117. Amendment of Provisions - All assistance granted under this part shall be deemed to...
§ 71-3-121. Transfer of Benefits — Exemption - Assistance granted under this part shall not be transferable or...
§ 71-3-122. Prosecution of Deserting Spouse or Parent - Whenever any dependent spouse or dependent child shall make an...
Part 3 - Custody and Care of Dependent Children
§ 71-3-301. County Legislative Body Binding Out as Apprentices - The county legislative body may bind out as apprentices suitable...
§ 71-3-302. Illegitimate Children as Apprentices - The county legislative body may bind out illegitimate children in...
§ 71-3-303. Reimbursement for County Support of Illegitimates - For the purpose of indemnifying the county against charges for...
Part 5 - Child Care Agencies
§ 71-3-501. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless otherwise exempted pursuant to...
§ 71-3-502. Violations of Licensing Regulations — Probation, Suspension, Denial and Revocation of Licenses — Appeal Procedures — Personal Safety Curriculum - Click to view table. shall be subject to denial or...
§ 71-3-506. Public Agencies — Inspection and Report - Any child care agency, as defined in this part, that...
§ 71-3-508. Inspection of Entities Providing Child Care - and may be based upon any preliminary or final findings...
§ 71-3-513. Public Records — Exceptions - The records of any entity entering into a contract or...
§ 71-3-516. Restrictions on License for Drop-in Center Regarding Care of School-Age Children on Snow Days - Any license for a drop-in center issued under this part...
Part 6 - Orphan Asylums
§ 71-3-601. Governing Board - All orphan asylums or houses for destitute children, incorporated under...
§ 71-3-602. Powers Over Property - The corporations enumerated in § 71-3-601 may own and hold...
§ 71-3-603. Admission of Children - All such asylums or houses at the option of its...
§ 71-3-604. Control of Indigent Children - The children referred to in § 71-3-603 shall be under...
§ 71-3-605. [reserved.] - No child shall be received into the asylum, or detained...
§ 71-3-607. Control of Orphans and Foundlings - In all cases in which orphans or foundling children are...
§ 71-3-608. Penalty for Interference With Children - It is a Class B misdemeanor for any person to...
§ 71-3-609. Petition to Take Child From Home - At any time after the assumption of control by any...
§ 71-3-610. Education of Children - The board shall cause all children over six (6) years...
§ 71-3-611. Expenses Paid by Parent or Guardian - Any of such asylums may, at discretion, receive any child...
§ 71-3-612. County Contributions to Expenses - The expenses of such asylum shall be met as follows,...
Part 7 - Project Rap
§ 71-3-702. Current Operation — Expansion - During fiscal year 1989-1990, the department shall continue to operate...
Part 9 - Tanf — Self-Employment Project Exemption
§ 71-3-901. Purpose of Part - The purpose of this part is to invest in the...
§ 71-3-902. “Low-Income Entrepreneur” Defined - For the purpose of this part, unless the context otherwise...
§ 71-3-903. Self-Employment Profits Not Counted Against Public Assistance Benefits - Low-income entrepreneurs will be allowed to escrow profits from their...
§ 71-3-904. Reapplication for Exemption - The exemption in § 71-3-903 can be reapplied for whenever...
§ 71-3-905. Eligibility for Exemption - Under this section, self-employment will be considered the same as...
§ 71-3-906. Micro-Lending Program - A micro-lending program is one that provides training, technical assistance...
§ 71-3-907. Program Dependent on Federal Waivers - The program is dependent on the availability of appropriate waivers...
Part 10 - Individual Development Account Demonstration Projects
§ 71-3-1001. Purpose of Part - The purpose of this part is to create an opportunity...
§ 71-3-1002. Individual Development Account Demonstration Projects - Six (6) urban and six (6) rural communities in Tennessee,...
§ 71-3-1003. Individual Development Accounts - In the selected communities, temporary assistance for needy families (TANF)...
§ 71-3-1005. Eligibility of Demonstration Project Participants - To be eligible, demonstration project participants must be a member...
Part 11 - Coverkids Act of 2006 [Effective Until June 30, 2025.]
§ 71-3-1101. Short Title. [Effective Until June 30, 2025.] - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 71-3-1102. Part Definitions. [Effective Until June 30, 2025.] - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 71-3-1103. Purpose. [Effective Until June 30, 2025.] - The purpose of this part is to create a program...
§ 71-3-1104. Department Authority — Not an Entitlement Program — Benefits Subject to Appropriations. [Effective Until June 30, 2025.] - The department is authorized to establish, administer, and monitor a...
§ 71-3-1105. Federal Approval. [Effective Until June 30, 2025.] - The department is authorized to seek federal approval for the...
§ 71-3-1107. Coverage for Pregnant Women Regardless of Age. [Effective Until June 30, 2025.] - The department is authorized to provide health care coverage for...
§ 71-3-1109. Duty and Authority to Review and Audit Expenditures. [Effective Until June 30, 2025.] - The commissioner of finance and administration and the comptroller of...
§ 71-3-1111. Annual Report. [Effective Until June 30, 2025.] - This part shall be reviewed annually by the commerce and...
§ 71-3-1113. Repealer. [Effective Until June 30, 2025.] - This part shall be repealed on June 30, 2025.
§ 71-3-1114. Email Notice That Enrollee Must Redetermine Eligibility. [Effective Until June 30, 2025.] - As a part of the process for redetermining an enrollee's...
Part 12 - Drug Testing
§ 71-3-1201. Part Definitions - For the purposes of this part:
§ 71-3-1203. Submission of Final Plan and Proposed Rules - The department shall submit to the health and welfare committee...
§ 71-3-1206. Confirmed Positive Drug Test Does Not Deem Applicant Handicapped or Disabled - An applicant whose drug test result is confirmed as positive...