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§ 71-3-601. Governing Board - All orphan asylums or houses for destitute children, incorporated under...
§ 71-3-602. Powers Over Property - The corporations enumerated in § 71-3-601 may own and hold...
§ 71-3-603. Admission of Children - All such asylums or houses at the option of its...
§ 71-3-604. Control of Indigent Children - The children referred to in § 71-3-603 shall be under...
§ 71-3-605. [reserved.] - No child shall be received into the asylum, or detained...
§ 71-3-607. Control of Orphans and Foundlings - In all cases in which orphans or foundling children are...
§ 71-3-608. Penalty for Interference With Children - It is a Class B misdemeanor for any person to...
§ 71-3-609. Petition to Take Child From Home - At any time after the assumption of control by any...
§ 71-3-610. Education of Children - The board shall cause all children over six (6) years...
§ 71-3-611. Expenses Paid by Parent or Guardian - Any of such asylums may, at discretion, receive any child...
§ 71-3-612. County Contributions to Expenses - The expenses of such asylum shall be met as follows,...