2021 Tennessee Code
Part 5 - Child Care Agencies
§ 71-3-516. Restrictions on License for Drop-in Center Regarding Care of School-Age Children on Snow Days

Any license for a drop-in center issued under this part shall specify whether the center is appropriate for handling school-age children on snow days. A drop-in center may not accept any school-age child for care unless the department determines that center is an appropriate and safe location for such children on snow days. The department shall determine whether the center has adequate space for school-age children and shall set a limit on the number of such children that a center may accept on any one day. No child thirteen (13) years of age or older may be cared for by a drop-in center on a snow day. The center shall also provide to the department a list of trained care givers and other staff who are available for emergency calling and shall annually update such list.