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Part 1 - General Provisions
§ 68-1-104. Duties of Commissioner - The department of health shall have the general supervision of...
§ 68-1-107. Indemnity Insurance for Health Officials - The commissioner of finance and administration, on approval of the...
§ 68-1-109. Uncompensated Care - Each hospital shall apply and use the definitions in subdivisions...
§ 68-1-110. Annual List of Medicaid and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (Tanf) Options - The departments of health and human services shall jointly provide...
§ 68-1-111. Record Retention Requirement - Notwithstanding any rule, regulation or law to the contrary, home...
§ 68-1-115. Regulations — Tennessee Family Insurance Assistance Program - The commissioner of health shall promulgate regulations regarding the issuance...
§ 68-1-118. Specific Authorization Required for Release of Information - The department of health or any employee of the department...
§ 68-1-120. Report on Nursing Home Inspection and Enforcement Activities - The commissioner shall submit a report by not later than...
§ 68-1-123. Report on Access to Care and Safety Net Adequacy - On or before January 15 of each year, the commissioner...
§ 68-1-124. Coordination of Programs to Prevent and Treat Diabetes — Central Data Repository - The commissioner is authorized to appoint an individual within the...
§ 68-1-126. Plan to Establish Demonstration Sites - Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the department of health...
§ 68-1-131. Reports on Existing Apprenticeship Programs of Boards and Commissions - Each of the boards and commissions created in title 63...
§ 68-1-132. Development of Tobacco Prevention Programs - Using a science and experience-based approach, the department of health...
§ 68-1-134. Calculation of Income for Members of Uniformed Services for Purposes of Determining Eligibility for Supplemental Food Program - To the extent permitted by federal law, in calculating income...
§ 68-1-140. Inclusion of Data Related to Complications of Induced Abortions in Annual Report of Selected Induced Termination of Pregnancy Data - The department of health shall include data related to complications...
Part 2 - Quarantine
§ 68-1-203. Violating Quarantine a Misdemeanor - Any person who willfully disregards or evades quarantine, or violates...
§ 68-1-204. Recommendations by Commissioner to Governor on Allocation of Health Care Resources in Affected Areas - In the event that an emergency or disaster as defined...
Part 3 - Dental Hygiene
§ 68-1-301. Special Care of Mouth and Teeth — Development of Statewide Strategy — Report - The commissioner of health has general supervision of the interests...
§ 68-1-302. Instruction as to the Care of the Teeth — Appointment of Director — Assistance of Teachers - The commissioner shall appoint a director to instruct the pupils...
Part 4 - Vaccines -
Part 5 - Control and Prevention of Diabetes
§ 68-1-501. Identification of Goals and Benchmarks and Development of Agency Plans - The bureau of TennCare, the department of health, and the...
§ 68-1-502. Reports - The bureau of TennCare and the department of health shall...
§ 68-1-503. Applicability of Requirements of Part - The requirements of this part shall be limited to the...
Part 6 - Stroke Best Practices and Treatment Guidelines Task Force [Effective Until June 30, 2021.]
§ 68-1-602. Volunteer Members. [Effective Until June 30, 2021.] - Members of the stroke best practices and treatment guidelines task...
§ 68-1-603. Meetings — Audio Access. [Effective Until June 30, 2021.] - Meetings of the stroke best practices and treatment guidelines task...
Part 7 - Primary Health Care Centers
§ 68-1-703. Approval by State and Local Agencies Required - In order to ensure cooperation and acceptance of the purposes...
Part 8 - Perinatal and Neonatal Care
§ 68-1-801. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 68-1-804. Items to Be Considered for Inclusion in Program - The department, with the advice of the committee, shall, in...
§ 68-1-805. Report Regarding Births Involving Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and Opioid Use by Women of Childbearing Age - On or before January 15, 2018, the commissioner of health,...
§ 68-1-806. Report on Quality and Outcomes in Perinatal Care - On or before March 1 of each year the bureau...
Part 9 - Medical Care Division -
Part 10 - Tennessee Cancer Reporting System Act of 1983
§ 68-1-1001. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 68-1-1002. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 68-1-1007. Liability for Release of Information — Compliance Not Violative of Confidentiality - A hospital, laboratory, facility, or health care practitioner that reports...
§ 68-1-1008. Tests and Supervision of Patients Prohibited - No patient whose medical records are the subject of data...
§ 68-1-1011. Annual Publishing of Reports - The department shall annually compile and publish reports utilizing the...
Part 11 - Sudden, Unexplained Child Death Act
§ 68-1-1103. Implementation - In order to implement this part, the commissioner of health...
Part 12 - Public School Nurse Program
§ 68-1-1202. Duties of Executive Director - It is the duty and responsibility of the executive director...
§ 68-1-1205. Compliance With Laws Pertaining to Abortion or Birth Control Referrals or Information by Employees — Abstinence - Each employee of the program, including each intern resident employed...
§ 68-1-1206. Local Agencies Not Preempted - This part shall not be construed to terminate the ability...
Part 13 - Down Syndrome Information Act of 2018
§ 68-1-1301. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 68-1-1302. Part Definitions - As used in this part:
Part 14 - Tennessee Resource Mothers Program
§ 68-1-1401. Established - There is established within the department of health the “Tennessee...
§ 68-1-1403. Elements of Program - The program shall contain the following elements:
§ 68-1-1404. Training - The resource mothers shall initially be trained in prenatal care...
§ 68-1-1405. Coordination of Services - In order to avoid duplication of services, the resource mothers...
§ 68-1-1406. Evaluation of Program — Report - The department of health shall evaluate the resource mothers program...
§ 68-1-1407. Gifts and Donations - The department of health is authorized to accept gifts or...
§ 68-1-1408. Implementation — Model Program — Sites - The Tennessee resource mothers program shall be implemented initially as...
Part 15 - Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment Education Act
§ 68-1-1501. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
Part 16 - Area Health Education Centers (Ahecs)
§ 68-1-1601. Legislative Findings — Need for Health Care Professionals in Underserved Communities - The general assembly declares that the activities and program specified...
§ 68-1-1602. Legislative Findings — State Financial Support - The general assembly further finds and declares the state financial...
§ 68-1-1603. Attachment to Department of Health — Mission of Programs - There is established the AHEC programs of Tennessee. For administration...
§ 68-1-1604. Accomplishment of Mission Through Enhanced Recruitment and Educational Programs - The mission of the AHEC programs of Tennessee shall be...
§ 68-1-1609. Consumer Health Promotion Programs - To promote wellness and reduce health care costs in Tennessee's...
§ 68-1-1610. Annual Reports to Department of Health - The AHEC programs of Meharry Medical College, East Tennessee State...
§ 68-1-1611. Programs Under This Part Not to Duplicate Existing Programs - The activities and programs authorized by this part shall not...
§ 68-1-1612. Income to Be Retained by Programs - Any income generated as a result of programs or activities...
§ 68-1-1614. Rules and Regulations - The commissioner of health is authorized to promulgate rules and...
Part 18 - Office of Women's Health Act of 2000
§ 68-1-1801. Short Title — Purpose — Creation - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 68-1-1802. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 68-1-1803. Purpose - The office of women's health is designated for the following...
Part 19 - Stroke Care, Education, and Outreach Collaborative
§ 68-1-1901. Establishment of Collaborative — Members - The commissioner of health shall establish a stroke care, education,...
Part 22 - Office of Minority Health Act of 2004
§ 68-1-2201. Short Title — Purpose — Resources - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 68-1-2202. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 68-1-2203. Functions - The office of minority health is designated for the following...
Part 23 - Child Nutrition and Wellness Act of 2006
§ 68-1-2301. Short Title — Purpose - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 68-1-2302. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
Part 24 - Tennessee Nurse Home Visitor Program Act
§ 68-1-2401. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 68-1-2403. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 68-1-2408. Program Oversight — Reporting - Entities receiving grants shall report to the health care and...