The general assembly further finds and declares the state financial support for AHEC activities within Tennessee is an essential criterion of the federal government in determining the eligibility for continued federal financial support. The intent of the federal government is that the state assume financial responsibility for AHEC programs after receiving federal funds for initial planning, development and start-up. State financial support is also necessary to generate matching federal contributions that may be as much as a one-to-one match of state dollars.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 68 - Health, Safety and Environmental Protection
Chapter 1 - Department of Health
Part 16 - Area Health Education Centers (Ahecs)
§ 68-1-1601. Legislative Findings — Need for Health Care Professionals in Underserved Communities
§ 68-1-1602. Legislative Findings — State Financial Support
§ 68-1-1603. Attachment to Department of Health — Mission of Programs
§ 68-1-1604. Accomplishment of Mission Through Enhanced Recruitment and Educational Programs
§ 68-1-1609. Consumer Health Promotion Programs
§ 68-1-1610. Annual Reports to Department of Health
§ 68-1-1611. Programs Under This Part Not to Duplicate Existing Programs