2021 Tennessee Code
Part 12 - Public School Nurse Program
§ 68-1-1202. Duties of Executive Director

It is the duty and responsibility of the executive director of the program to:
The interdepartmental committee shall include representation by the departments of mental health and substance abuse services, intellectual and developmental disabilities, education, children's services, labor and workforce development, the governor's council on physical fitness and health, the governor's drug-free task force, and the division of health access within the department of health, and shall also include one (1) citizen member who shall be a parent of a school-aged child, the citizen member to be appointed by the executive director of the public school nurse program, who, prior to making the appointment, shall receive recommendations pertaining to the appointment from interested persons and groups; and
Make available to the department of education educational materials appropriate for distribution so that information about meningococcal disease and the effectiveness of vaccination against meningococcal disease can be provided to parents and guardians. This information shall include the causes, symptoms, and the means by which meningococcal disease is spread and the places where parents and guardians may obtain additional information and vaccinations for their children. The department of education may provide this information, at its discretion, electronically or on its web site. Nothing in this subdivision (12) shall be construed to require the department of education to provide or purchase vaccine against meningococcal disease.