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Part 1 - General Provisions
§ 63-7-101. Purpose of Chapter - The purpose of this chapter is to safeguard life and...
§ 63-7-102. Exemptions - Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as applying to:
§ 63-7-104. Registered Nurse Qualifications - An applicant for a license to practice professional nursing shall...
§ 63-7-107. Use of “Registered Nurse” Title - Any person who holds a license to practice professional nursing...
§ 63-7-108. “Practice of Practical Nursing” Defined - The “practice of practical nursing” means the performance for compensation...
§ 63-7-109. Practical Nurse Qualifications - An applicant for a license to practice as a licensed...
§ 63-7-112. Use of “Licensed Practical Nurse” Title - Any person who holds a license to practice practical nursing...
§ 63-7-117. Application for School Accreditation - An institution desiring to conduct a school of professional nursing...
§ 63-7-118. Investigation of Applicants for Accreditation - A survey of the institution or institutions and agencies with...
§ 63-7-119. Survey of Schools and Report — Loss of Accreditation - At least once every eight (8) years, the executive director...
§ 63-7-121. Validity of License Issued on or Before September 1, 1967 - Any person holding a license to practice as a registered...
§ 63-7-127. Medication Aides - Failing to assist in maintaining a facility record for each...
§ 63-7-129. Use of Title “Nurse” - Notwithstanding any provision of any title to the contrary, a...
Part 2 - Board of Nursing
§ 63-7-201. Creation - There is created a board to be known as the...
§ 63-7-203. Terms of Members - Members of the board shall serve for a term of...
§ 63-7-204. Organization - Promptly after the appointment of the board, it shall meet...
§ 63-7-207. Powers and Duties - The board has the following powers and duties in addition...
§ 63-7-208. Qualifications of Executive Director - The executive director shall serve as consultant on nursing education...
§ 63-7-209. Duties of Executive Director - The duties of the executive director of the board shall...
§ 63-7-210. Special Volunteer License for Practice in Free Health Clinic — Exemption From Fees — Renewal - A nurse licensed pursuant to this chapter under a special...
Part 4 - Interstate Nurse Licensure Compact
§ 63-7-401. Short Title - This part may be known and cited as the “Nurse...
§ 63-7-402. Enactment — Text of Compact - The Nurse Licensure Compact is enacted into law and entered...
§ 63-7-403. “Head of the State Licensing Board” Defined - For the purposes of this part, the term “head of...