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Part 1 - Board of Medical Examiners -
Part 2 - General Provisions
§ 63-6-204. “Practice of Medicine” Defined — Construction - In the event that the employing entity and the physician...
§ 63-6-212. Records - The board shall keep a record of their proceedings in...
§ 63-6-216. Disciplinary Proceedings Governed by Administrative Procedures Act - All proceedings for disciplinary action against a licensee under this...
§ 63-6-217. Practice After License Revocation — Penalty - After the board has revoked the license of any person...
§ 63-6-227. Cancellation of License Upon Conviction - The license of any physician or surgeon who is convicted...
§ 63-6-229. Consent to Medical Treatment by a Minor - Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, in...
§ 63-6-230. Inactive Licenses to Perform Pro Bono Services - The board of medical examiners shall establish by rule an...
§ 63-6-232. Disciplinary Complaints Against Chelation Therapist - All disciplinary complaints filed against a chelation therapist shall be...
§ 63-6-234. Physicians Serving as United States Public Health Service Commissioned Officers - A physician serving as a United States public health service...
§ 63-6-238. Notice to Patients of Departure - Psychiatrists are not required to notify patients that were treated...
§ 63-6-241. Physical Presence of Physician Required for Abortion - Notwithstanding § 63-6-209(b) or any other provision of this chapter,...
§ 63-6-245. Notice to Patients of Determination That Patient Has Dense or Extremely Dense Breasts - Your mammogram shows that you have dense breast tissue. Dense...
Part 3 - Phil Timp–amanda Wilcox Right to Try Act
§ 63-6-301. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 63-6-302. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 63-6-305. Patient's Heirs Not Liable for Outstanding Debt - If a patient dies while being treated by an investigational...
§ 63-6-306. Action Against Healthcare Provider's License or Medicare Certification Prohibited - A licensing board or disciplinary subcommittee shall not revoke, fail...
§ 63-6-307. Official, Employee, or Agent of State Prohibited From Blocking Eligible Patient's Access - An official, employee, or agent of this state shall not...
§ 63-6-309. Reporting of Adverse Events - If a patient suffers an adverse event associated with the...
Part 4 - Interstate Medical Licensure Compact
§ 63-6-401. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 63-6-402. Interstate Medical Licensure Compact - The Interstate Medical Licensure Compact is enacted into law and...
Part 5 - Physicians' Conflict of Interest Disclosure Act of 1991
§ 63-6-501. Short Title - This part shall be known as the “Physicians' Conflict of...
§ 63-6-503. Federal Law - Nothing in this part is intended to nor shall it...
Part 6 - Health Care Referrals
§ 63-6-601. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 63-6-603. Where Physicians May Invest in and Refer to an Outside Entity — Requirements - There may be situations in which a needed entity would...
§ 63-6-604. Prohibited Cross Referral Arrangements - Cross referral arrangements or schemes between physicians or between physicians...
§ 63-6-605. Preexisting Investments — Compliance - If physicians have invested in entities prior to July 1,...
§ 63-6-607. Violations — Sanctions - Any physician who makes or causes to be made a...
§ 63-6-608. Investment Interests in Publicly Traded Entities - The definition of “investment interest” does not include a publicly...
Part 7 - Volunteer Health Care Services Act
§ 63-6-701. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 63-6-703. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 63-6-705. Applicability - With regard to a person who voluntarily provides health care...
§ 63-6-707. Liability Insurance Coverage - No contract of professional liability insurance covering a health care...
Part 8 - Genetic Counselors' Licensing Act
§ 63-6-801. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 63-6-802. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 63-6-808. Retirement of License and Relicensure - Any person who has been issued a license to practice...
Part 9 - Radiologic Imaging and Radiation Therapy -
Part 10 - Acupuncture
§ 63-6-1001. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 63-6-1006. Renewal of Certificate - A certificate to practice acupuncture must be renewed every two...
§ 63-6-1007. Disciplinary Action - The board, in consultation with the committee, may deny, suspend...
Part 12 - Cytopathology Services
§ 63-6-1201. Part Definitions - For purposes of this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 63-6-1202. Claims, Bills or Demands for Payment for Services - A clinical laboratory or physician, located in this state, or...
§ 63-6-1203. Restrictions on Solicitation for Payment by Licensed Practitioner - Except as provided by § 63-6-1206, no licensed practitioner in...
§ 63-6-1204. Reimbursement of Licensed Practitioner - No patient, insurer, third party payor, hospital, public health clinic...
§ 63-6-1205. Assignment of Benefits - Nothing in this part shall be construed to mandate the...
§ 63-6-1206. Referring Laboratory - This part does not prohibit billing of a referring laboratory...
§ 63-6-1207. Violations - The appropriate state licensing board having jurisdiction over any practitioner...