The “practice of practical nursing” means the performance for compensation of selected acts required in the nursing care of the ill, injured or infirm and/or carrying out medical orders prescribed by a licensed physician or dentist under the direction of a licensed physician, dentist or professional registered nurse. The licensed practical nurse shall have preparation in and understanding of nursing, but shall not be required to have the same degree of education and preparation as required of a registered nurse.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 63 - Professions of the Healing Arts
§ 63-7-101. Purpose of Chapter
§ 63-7-104. Registered Nurse Qualifications
§ 63-7-107. Use of “Registered Nurse” Title
§ 63-7-108. “Practice of Practical Nursing” Defined
§ 63-7-109. Practical Nurse Qualifications
§ 63-7-112. Use of “Licensed Practical Nurse” Title
§ 63-7-117. Application for School Accreditation
§ 63-7-118. Investigation of Applicants for Accreditation
§ 63-7-119. Survey of Schools and Report — Loss of Accreditation
§ 63-7-121. Validity of License Issued on or Before September 1, 1967