The clerks of all courts shall, within twenty (20) days after the time required for making such report, pay over to the county trustee the amount of the county revenue then in their hands, and to the state treasurer the amount of state revenue then in their hands, and to the state treasurer or other proper financial officer of the municipality the amount of municipal revenue in their hands.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 2 - Accounting for Revenues
§ 9-2-105. Furnishing Receipt Books
§ 9-2-106. Penalty for Violations
§ 9-2-107. Settlement for School Funds
§ 9-2-108. Reports of Clerks and Judges
§ 9-2-111. Perjury by Judge or Clerk
§ 9-2-115. Failure of Clerk or Judge to Pay Over
§ 9-2-116. Failure of Clerk or Judge to Produce Proper Receipt
§ 9-2-117. Judgment for Trustee Against Clerk or Judge
§ 9-2-118. Satisfaction of Judgment
§ 9-2-119. Commissions Lost by Default
§ 9-2-122. Clerk's Records Furnished to County Mayor