2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 2 - Accounting for Revenues
§ 9-2-108. Reports of Clerks and Judges

The clerks of all the courts and every judge of the court of general sessions shall make a report, in writing, under oath, to the county mayor, giving the names of each person, in alphabetical order, from whom such clerk or judge has received state, county, or municipal revenue during the quarter next preceding the day on which the report shall be made, and also giving the amount of state, county, and municipal revenue received from each person, when paid, and on what account paid, stating particularly the nature of the privilege, if a privilege, and separating in such clerk or judge's report the state, county, and municipal revenue received by such clerk or judge. Such reports shall be sworn to before some officer authorized to administer oaths, before their presentation to the county mayor. A judge who has not received any revenue shall not be required to make such report.