Before any funding or refunding bonds shall be issued under this chapter, a fiscal officer of the unit shall prepare a statement as of the beginning of the then current fiscal year, which statement shall show in detail the total outstanding bonds, notes, warrants and other evidences of indebtedness of the unit, together with the maturity dates thereof, interest rates, special provisions for payment, together with a description of the indebtedness proposed to be funded or refunded by the issuance of bonds. Such statement shall also show in detail the total tax collections of the unit for the preceding year, the amount of delinquent taxes, and the amount of expenditures of all funds during the preceding fiscal year, the proposed maturity or maturities of the new funding or refunding bonds to be issued, and any and all other pertinent information which may be requested by the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designee. Such statement shall be filed with the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designee, together with an application from the governing body of the unit requesting that the issuance of the proposed bonds be approved. If the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designee shall determine that, in the comptroller of the treasury's or the comptroller's designee's opinion, the unit can fulfill this chapter as hereinafter set forth, the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designee shall so certify in writing to the unit, and such certificate shall be recorded in the minutes of the unit.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 11 - Cash Basis Law of 1937
§ 9-11-102. Chapter Definitions
§ 9-11-103. Issuance of Funding Bonds
§ 9-11-104. Contents of Bond Order
§ 9-11-105. Publication of Bond Order
§ 9-11-106. Limitation of Actions to Invalidate Bonds
§ 9-11-108. Annual Statement by Fiscal Officer
§ 9-11-109. Sale Price — Exchange — Premiums and Discount
§ 9-11-110. Exercise of Powers
§ 9-11-111. Exemption From Taxation
§ 9-11-112. Tax Levy and Sinking Fund Provisions
§ 9-11-113. Annual Cash Basis Budget
§ 9-11-114. Appropriation Ordinance
§ 9-11-115. Tax Levy for Cash Basis
§ 9-11-116. Enforcement Power of the Comptroller of the Treasury or Comptroller's Designee