In order that the fiscal affairs of the counties and cities in the state may be placed on a cash basis, each such unit is authorized and empowered to issue at one (1) time or from time to time bonds of the unit for the following purposes:
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 11 - Cash Basis Law of 1937
§ 9-11-102. Chapter Definitions
§ 9-11-103. Issuance of Funding Bonds
§ 9-11-104. Contents of Bond Order
§ 9-11-105. Publication of Bond Order
§ 9-11-106. Limitation of Actions to Invalidate Bonds
§ 9-11-108. Annual Statement by Fiscal Officer
§ 9-11-109. Sale Price — Exchange — Premiums and Discount
§ 9-11-110. Exercise of Powers
§ 9-11-111. Exemption From Taxation
§ 9-11-112. Tax Levy and Sinking Fund Provisions
§ 9-11-113. Annual Cash Basis Budget
§ 9-11-114. Appropriation Ordinance
§ 9-11-115. Tax Levy for Cash Basis
§ 9-11-116. Enforcement Power of the Comptroller of the Treasury or Comptroller's Designee