State of Tennessee—Charter of IncorporationBe it known that (here fill this blank with the names of the board of directors) are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of (here fill in the name of the watershed district), which shall have all the powers conferred by the Watershed District Act of 1955. The district is described as follows:
(Insert the description).
Given under my hand and seal this day of 20 .
(The signature of the chair of the committee shall be affixed.)
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 69 - Waters, Waterways, Drains and Levees
Chapter 6 - Watershed Districts
§ 69-6-102. Chapter Definitions
§ 69-6-110. Form of Ballot — Qualifications of Voters — Filing Results
§ 69-6-111. Issuance of Charter — Form — Recordation
§ 69-6-112. Adverse Vote on Organization — Endorsement — New Application
§ 69-6-114. Open Board Meetings
§ 69-6-119. Study of Watershed Area
§ 69-6-120. Change of Boundaries — Election Procedure
§ 69-6-125. Employment of Counsel
§ 69-6-126. Contribution by County, City or Town — Tax Levy
§ 69-6-127. District by Mutual Agreement
§ 69-6-128. Merger of Districts
§ 69-6-133. Appointment of Commissioners
§ 69-6-138. Assessment Book — Certification to Trustees
§ 69-6-140. Delinquent Assessments
§ 69-6-144. Ad Valorem Tax by General Assembly