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§ 69-6-101. Short Title - This chapter shall be known as the “Watershed District Act...
§ 69-6-102. Chapter Definitions - As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 69-6-105. [reserved.] - The state soil conservation committee shall determine the sufficiency or...
§ 69-6-109. Election Notice - Q. Shall the board of directors proceed with the creation...
§ 69-6-110. Form of Ballot — Qualifications of Voters — Filing Results - Shall the board of directors of the proposed Watershed District...
§ 69-6-111. Issuance of Charter — Form — Recordation - State of Tennessee—Charter of IncorporationBe it known that (here fill...
§ 69-6-112. Adverse Vote on Organization — Endorsement — New Application - If a majority of the landowners voting on the proposition...
§ 69-6-114. Open Board Meetings - All meetings of the board, including the organization's meeting provided...
§ 69-6-119. Study of Watershed Area - Upon the incorporation of the watershed district, the board shall...
§ 69-6-120. Change of Boundaries — Election Procedure - Q. Shall watershed district be enlarged by taking into the...
§ 69-6-125. Employment of Counsel - The directors of a watershed district are authorized to employ...
§ 69-6-126. Contribution by County, City or Town — Tax Levy - The county legislative body of any county, any part of...
§ 69-6-127. District by Mutual Agreement - The landowners may provide for the establishment of a watershed...
§ 69-6-128. Merger of Districts - Watershed districts may be merged or consolidated by the unanimous...
§ 69-6-132. Revenue Bonds - If the cost of the proposed improvement is to be...
§ 69-6-133. Appointment of Commissioners - If the cost of the proposed improvement is to be...
§ 69-6-136. Appeal - Any person aggrieved may appeal from the decision or the...
§ 69-6-138. Assessment Book — Certification to Trustees - As soon as the assessment has been made, the court...
§ 69-6-140. Delinquent Assessments - In the event assessments become delinquent, §§ 69-5-817 — 69-5-829...
§ 69-6-141. Treasurer's Bond - In the event of special assessments, the treasurer of the...
§ 69-6-144. Ad Valorem Tax by General Assembly - In addition to the methods of financing authorized in this...
§ 69-6-146. Right of Entry on Private Property - The board of directors, its representatives and employees, including engineers...
§ 69-6-149. Provisions Supplemental - This chapter is deemed to be supplemental to existing laws...