2021 Tennessee Code
Part 9 - Bond Issues and Warrants
§ 69-5-922. Refunding Bonds — Notice of Hearing

Upon the filing of a petition as for issuance of refunding bonds, it is the duty of the county legislative body to set a date for the hearing of such petition and to direct the county clerk to cause to be published a notice in substantially the following form:
To all persons or corporations interested in lands or other property lying in  District,  County, Tennessee, take notice: That the aforementioned district, acting through its board of directors, has filed with the county legislative body of  County, Tennessee, a petition requesting the county legislative body to provide for the refunding of the outstanding bonded indebtedness of such district, and that any person or corporation owning or having any interest in any land or property in the district may appear before the county legislative body at the court house in  , Tennessee, at the hour of  o'clock,  M., on  the  day of  20 , and show cause why such bonds should not be refunded.
You are further notified that in the event the county legislative body, pursuant to the hearing, should enter an order, providing for the issuance of refunding bonds, any landowner shall have the right at any time within two (2) weeks from and after the entering of such order within which to pay the full amount of the principal tax or assessment chargeable to such landowner's land or any tract thereof, for the payment of the bonds proposed to be refunded, and any tract on which such tax or assessment shall be so paid shall thereupon be released from any tax or assessment for the payment of the refunding bonds so authorized to be issued, but shall remain subject to such other or additional taxes, if any, as may be levied pursuant to law. Take notice also that in the event a remonstrance or remonstrances against the issuance of refunding bonds be filed with the county legislative body on or prior to the date hereinabove set forth, signed by sixty percent (60%) or more of the landowners owning sixty percent (60%) or more of the aggregate acreage of lands within the district, then the county legislative body shall enter an order denying and dismissing the petition of the board of directors above referred to.
By order of the county legislative body of  County, Tennessee, this  day of  , 20
County Clerk
Such notice shall be published weekly for at least two (2) consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in the county and having a general circulation in the district, and the first of such publications shall occur at least ten (10) days prior to the date set for such hearing, and the last of such publications shall occur not more than seven (7) days prior to such date. A copy of such notice shall also be posted in a conspicuous place at the court house of the county where the hearing is to be held at least ten (10) days prior to the date set for such hearing.

Structure 2021 Tennessee Code

2021 Tennessee Code

Title 69 - Waters, Waterways, Drains and Levees

Chapter 5 - Drainage and Levee Districts

Part 9 - Bond Issues and Warrants

§ 69-5-901. County May Issue and Sell Drainage Bonds

§ 69-5-902. Payment of Assessments Before Issuance of Bonds

§ 69-5-903. Terms of Bonds — Signing — District to Be Indicated

§ 69-5-904. Bonds a Charge on Land in District Only

§ 69-5-905. Denominations of Bonds

§ 69-5-906. Multi-County Districts — Issuance and Payment of Bonds

§ 69-5-907. Payment in Installments — Bond to Secure Installments

§ 69-5-908. Bond of County Trustee

§ 69-5-909. Warrants Issued Instead of Bonds

§ 69-5-910. Surplus Funds From Sale of Bonds or Warrants

§ 69-5-911. Prepayment of Deferred Installments

§ 69-5-912. Payment of Assessments With Bonds or Coupons

§ 69-5-914. Multi-County Districts — Payment by Bond or Coupon

§ 69-5-915. Single County Districts — Monthly Settlements by Trustees

§ 69-5-916. Multi-County Districts — Monthly Settlements by Trustees

§ 69-5-917. Disposition of Receipts — Maintenance or Administration Certificates

§ 69-5-918. Lien of Maintenance or Administration Certificates

§ 69-5-919. Proceeds From Sale of Maintenance or Administration Certificates

§ 69-5-920. Refunding Bonds Authorized — Terms

§ 69-5-921. Petition for Issuance of Refunding Bonds

§ 69-5-922. Refunding Bonds — Notice of Hearing

§ 69-5-923. Refunding Bonds — Petition and Notice in Multi-County Districts

§ 69-5-924. Hearing — Remonstrance

§ 69-5-925. Refunding Bonds — Release of Landowner From Assessment

§ 69-5-926. Refunding Bonds — Extended Assessments

§ 69-5-927. Refunding Bonds — Powers Conferred on Board of Directors

§ 69-5-928. Borrowing Money to Pay Bonds and Interest

§ 69-5-929. Appointment of Receiver for Defaulting Drainage District

§ 69-5-930. Powers of Receiver — Removal and Appointment of Another

§ 69-5-931. County Trustee's Compensation