2021 Tennessee Code
Part 9 - Bond Issues and Warrants
§ 69-5-920. Refunding Bonds Authorized — Terms

For the general purpose of refunding all or any part of the bonded indebtedness, now or hereafter outstanding, of any drainage or levee district now or hereafter organized and existing under any law of this state, whenever in the judgment of the county legislative body of the county in which any such district was organized, it is advisable and for the best interest of the landowners of any such district, or whenever such district is or hereafter shall become unable to pay all or any part of the principal and interest or either the principal or interest of or on its outstanding bonded indebtedness, the county legislative body may issue refunding bonds of such district in an amount that shall not exceed in the aggregate the amount of bonds to be refunded, and the accrued interest on the bonds. Such refunding bonds shall be of such denomination or denominations, shall mature at such time or times, not exceeding forty (40) years from their date, and in such manner, amount or amounts, shall be payable at such place or places, and shall bear such rate of interest payable annually or semiannually as the county legislative body may determine. Such refunding bonds may be exchanged for the bonds to be refunded upon consent of the holders of the bonds, or may be sold at such price and in such manner as the county legislative body may determine. Any expense resulting from the sale or issuance of such refunding bonds may be paid out of any available funds of the district. If the outstanding bonds have not matured, they may be refunded only with the consent of the holder or holders of the bonds, which consent shall be sufficiently evidenced by the surrender of the bonds to be refunded. Such refunding bonds shall be signed by the county mayor and countersigned by the county clerk, under the seal of the county or the seal of such clerk, and the interest coupons attached to the bonds shall be executed by the lithographed facsimile signature of the officials.

Structure 2021 Tennessee Code

2021 Tennessee Code

Title 69 - Waters, Waterways, Drains and Levees

Chapter 5 - Drainage and Levee Districts

Part 9 - Bond Issues and Warrants

§ 69-5-901. County May Issue and Sell Drainage Bonds

§ 69-5-902. Payment of Assessments Before Issuance of Bonds

§ 69-5-903. Terms of Bonds — Signing — District to Be Indicated

§ 69-5-904. Bonds a Charge on Land in District Only

§ 69-5-905. Denominations of Bonds

§ 69-5-906. Multi-County Districts — Issuance and Payment of Bonds

§ 69-5-907. Payment in Installments — Bond to Secure Installments

§ 69-5-908. Bond of County Trustee

§ 69-5-909. Warrants Issued Instead of Bonds

§ 69-5-910. Surplus Funds From Sale of Bonds or Warrants

§ 69-5-911. Prepayment of Deferred Installments

§ 69-5-912. Payment of Assessments With Bonds or Coupons

§ 69-5-914. Multi-County Districts — Payment by Bond or Coupon

§ 69-5-915. Single County Districts — Monthly Settlements by Trustees

§ 69-5-916. Multi-County Districts — Monthly Settlements by Trustees

§ 69-5-917. Disposition of Receipts — Maintenance or Administration Certificates

§ 69-5-918. Lien of Maintenance or Administration Certificates

§ 69-5-919. Proceeds From Sale of Maintenance or Administration Certificates

§ 69-5-920. Refunding Bonds Authorized — Terms

§ 69-5-921. Petition for Issuance of Refunding Bonds

§ 69-5-922. Refunding Bonds — Notice of Hearing

§ 69-5-923. Refunding Bonds — Petition and Notice in Multi-County Districts

§ 69-5-924. Hearing — Remonstrance

§ 69-5-925. Refunding Bonds — Release of Landowner From Assessment

§ 69-5-926. Refunding Bonds — Extended Assessments

§ 69-5-927. Refunding Bonds — Powers Conferred on Board of Directors

§ 69-5-928. Borrowing Money to Pay Bonds and Interest

§ 69-5-929. Appointment of Receiver for Defaulting Drainage District

§ 69-5-930. Powers of Receiver — Removal and Appointment of Another

§ 69-5-931. County Trustee's Compensation