2021 Tennessee Code
Part 8 - Solid Waste Management Act of 1991
§ 68-211-829. Household Hazardous Wastes — Mobile Collection Units

From funds available from the solid waste management fund established by § 68-211-821, except as provided in § 68-211-828, the department shall, directly or by contract, provide for the collection of household hazardous wastes on designated days in each county. Each county, or solid waste authority under part 9 of this chapter, if such authority has been created, shall provide a service site and shall advertise in newspapers of general circulation in the county the day or days and hours and location where the household hazardous wastes will be collected. The advertisements shall also identify examples of household hazardous wastes that the mobile unit will receive. The county or solid waste authority shall also furnish at least one (1) person to represent the county or solid waste authority at the service site on the days of collection, who will assist the persons operating the mobile collection unit.

Structure 2021 Tennessee Code

2021 Tennessee Code

Title 68 - Health, Safety and Environmental Protection

Chapter 211 - Solid Waste Disposal

Part 8 - Solid Waste Management Act of 1991

§ 68-211-801. Short Title

§ 68-211-804. Applicability

§ 68-211-805. Liberal Construction

§ 68-211-817. Publicly Owned Landfills or Incinerators — Exclusion of Certain Solid Waste

§ 68-211-822. Annual Grants to Agencies by Department — Guidance for Regional Needs Assessments and Development of Plans

§ 68-211-823. Annual Plan Maintenance Grants — Planning Assistance Grants

§ 68-211-824. Matching Grant Assistance to Establish or Upgrade Convenience Centers

§ 68-211-829. Household Hazardous Wastes — Mobile Collection Units

§ 68-211-830. Matching Grants for Promoting New Technologies

§ 68-211-831. Investigation and Clean-Up of Unpermitted Waste Tire Disposal Sites and Other Unpermitted Solid Waste Disposal Sites

§ 68-211-833. Disposal of Hazardous Waste in Public Schools

§ 68-211-843. Information Clearinghouse — Regional Workshops and Conferences

§ 68-211-844. Educational and Training Programs

§ 68-211-845. Promotion of Education Concerning Solid Waste Management

§ 68-211-846. Education Programs — Awards

§ 68-211-847. Matching Grants to Implement Education Program

§ 68-211-848. Recognition of University and College Programs — Awards Program

§ 68-211-854. Contracting With Private Entities

§ 68-211-863. Sites for Collection of Recyclable Materials — Annual Reports

§ 68-211-864. Technical Assistance