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§ 68-211-801. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 68-211-804. Applicability - Unless specifically otherwise provided, this part does not apply to:
§ 68-211-805. Liberal Construction - This part is remedial in nature and shall be liberally...
§ 68-211-817. Publicly Owned Landfills or Incinerators — Exclusion of Certain Solid Waste - A publicly owned landfill or incinerator for disposal of municipal...
§ 68-211-822. Annual Grants to Agencies by Department — Guidance for Regional Needs Assessments and Development of Plans - From available funds in the solid waste management fund established...
§ 68-211-823. Annual Plan Maintenance Grants — Planning Assistance Grants - From available funds in the solid waste management fund established...
§ 68-211-824. Matching Grant Assistance to Establish or Upgrade Convenience Centers - From funds available in the solid waste management fund established...
§ 68-211-829. Household Hazardous Wastes — Mobile Collection Units - From funds available from the solid waste management fund established...
§ 68-211-830. Matching Grants for Promoting New Technologies - From funds available from the solid waste management fund established...
§ 68-211-831. Investigation and Clean-Up of Unpermitted Waste Tire Disposal Sites and Other Unpermitted Solid Waste Disposal Sites - From funds available from the solid waste management fund, the...
§ 68-211-833. Disposal of Hazardous Waste in Public Schools - Funds available in the solid waste management fund may be...
§ 68-211-843. Information Clearinghouse — Regional Workshops and Conferences - The commissioner shall establish an information clearinghouse to acquire, review,...
§ 68-211-844. Educational and Training Programs - The commissioner shall collect, prepare and disseminate information and conduct...
§ 68-211-845. Promotion of Education Concerning Solid Waste Management - In order to promote education of children in grades kindergarten...
§ 68-211-846. Education Programs — Awards - The commissioner shall establish an awards program for outstanding school-based...
§ 68-211-847. Matching Grants to Implement Education Program - After a region's plan is approved, the department of environment...
§ 68-211-848. Recognition of University and College Programs — Awards Program - The commissioner shall develop an awards program for recognition of...
§ 68-211-854. Contracting With Private Entities - No provision of this part shall prohibit a county, municipality...
§ 68-211-863. Sites for Collection of Recyclable Materials — Annual Reports - Effective January 1, 1996, each county shall provide directly, by...
§ 68-211-864. Technical Assistance - The institute for public service of the University of Tennessee...