An appeal may be taken from any final order or other final determination pursuant to this part by any party, including the department, who is or may be adversely affected by such order or determination. Such appeals shall be conducted in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5, part 3; provided, that no hearing shall be allowed by the chancery court from any disposition made by the board if such disposition has become final as a result of a person's failure to appear at a hearing after having requested such hearing or after having received adequate notice.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 68 - Health, Safety and Environmental Protection
Chapter 201 - Tennessee Air Quality Act
Part 1 - Tennessee Air Quality Act
§ 68-201-102. Part Definitions
§ 68-201-103. Intent and Purpose
§ 68-201-106. Matters to Be Considered in Exercising Powers
§ 68-201-109. Emergency Stop Orders for Air Contaminant Sources — Hearings
§ 68-201-111. Right of Board or Commissioner to Injunctive Relief
§ 68-201-113. Existing Civil or Criminal Remedies Not Impaired
§ 68-201-114. Intent of Remedies — Rights of Action Unaffected
§ 68-201-120. Removal or Rendering Inoperative Emission Control Devices From Motor Vehicles