Nothing in this part shall be deemed to grant the board or department any jurisdiction or authority with respect to air pollution existing solely within commercial or industrial plants, works or shops or to affect the relations between employers and employees with respect to or arising out of any condition of air pollution. In exercising powers to prevent, abate and control air pollution, the board or department shall give due consideration to all pertinent facts, including, but not necessarily limited to:
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 68 - Health, Safety and Environmental Protection
Chapter 201 - Tennessee Air Quality Act
Part 1 - Tennessee Air Quality Act
§ 68-201-102. Part Definitions
§ 68-201-103. Intent and Purpose
§ 68-201-106. Matters to Be Considered in Exercising Powers
§ 68-201-109. Emergency Stop Orders for Air Contaminant Sources — Hearings
§ 68-201-111. Right of Board or Commissioner to Injunctive Relief
§ 68-201-113. Existing Civil or Criminal Remedies Not Impaired
§ 68-201-114. Intent of Remedies — Rights of Action Unaffected
§ 68-201-120. Removal or Rendering Inoperative Emission Control Devices From Motor Vehicles