For purposes of this subdivision (a)(8)(C), “townhouse” means a single family dwelling unit constructed in a group of three (3) or more attached units that extends from foundation to roof, not more than three (3) stories in height, with a separate means of egress, and an open space or public way on at least two (2) sides;
The department shall analyze the cost and effectiveness of sprinkler equipment in one-family and two-family dwellings in areas where residential sprinklers are in use, including this state and other states deemed appropriate by the department, and report the results of the analysis to the general assembly on or before May 1, 2010. In conducting the analysis, the department shall seek input from nonprofit and business groups or organizations, including, but not limited to, the Tennessee Fire Chiefs Association and the Home Builders Association of Tennessee; and
(A) Shall require installation of an approved carbon monoxide alarm, as defined in § 68-120-112(a), within ten feet (10') of each room used for sleeping purposes in any construction begun on or after January 1, 2016, that:
Is intended for use as a hotel as defined in § 68-120-112; and
Has a fossil-fuel-burning heater or appliance, a fireplace, an attached garage, or other feature, fixture, or element that emits carbon monoxide as a byproduct of combustion; and
Shall require that carbon monoxide alarms required pursuant to subdivision (a)(10)(A) be wired directly to the building's power supply with secondary battery backup.
(1) (A) The standards established pursuant to subsection (a) apply to municipal, county, state and private buildings, including one-family and two-family dwellings, unless otherwise provided by statute.
(i) Notwithstanding subdivision (b)(1)(A), the standards established pursuant to subsection (a) relative to one-family and two-family dwellings do not apply in any county or municipality in which the legislative body of the county or municipality, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, adopts a resolution to exempt the county or municipality, as appropriate, from the application of statewide standards for one-family and two-family dwellings within the jurisdictional boundaries of the county or municipality, as appropriate; provided, however, that any action by the county legislative body concerning the implementation of this subdivision (b)(1)(B)(i) shall be limited to the jurisdictional boundaries outside any municipality located within the county. Upon approving the resolution, the presiding officer of the legislative body shall notify the state fire marshal of the actions taken under this subdivision (b)(1)(B)(i).
(a) An initial resolution following July 1, 2009, may be adopted by a county or municipal legislative body to take effect on July 1, 2010, or at a later date stated in the resolution.
A resolution adopted pursuant to subdivision (b)(1)(B)(ii)(a ) or the adoption of any other resolution, shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days following the date of the election for the local legislative body next occurring following the adoption of the resolution, but an earlier expiration date may be stated in the resolution.
The governing body of any such county or of a municipality located in any such county that has taken the action pursuant to subdivision (b)(1)(B) is authorized to reverse such action by adopting a resolution to apply subsection (a) with respect to one-family and two-family dwellings within the jurisdictional boundaries of the municipality or county, as appropriate; provided, that, any action by the county legislative body concerning its actions shall be limited to the jurisdictional boundaries outside any municipality located within the county. The presiding officer of the governing body shall notify the state fire marshal of the approval of the resolution.
Notwithstanding this section to the contrary, the owner of a building, structure, or premises located in a county or municipality that has taken action pursuant to subdivision (b)(1)(B) may request that the state fire marshal inspect the building, structure, or premises to determine whether the building, structure, or premises meets the statewide codes established pursuant to subsection (a). If an owner requests an inspection pursuant to this subdivision (b)(1)(D), the inspection must be conducted in accordance with this section. Upon completion of the inspection, if the state fire marshal determines that the owner's building, structure, or premises meets the statewide codes established pursuant to subsection (a), the state fire marshal must issue documentation to the owner evidencing such.
Such standards do not apply to any building, other than state buildings, educational occupancies or any other occupancy requiring an inspection by the state fire marshal for initial licensure, located within the jurisdiction of a local government that certifies in writing to the state fire marshal that:
The local jurisdiction has chosen to adopt and enforce building construction and fire safety codes for construction of all buildings, for construction of all buildings other than one-family and two-family dwellings, or for construction of one-family and two-family dwellings only; and
For one-family and two-family construction, it has adopted the International Residential Code, published by the International Code Council, Inc.; or
For construction other than one-family and two-family dwellings, it has adopted a building construction safety code consisting of the International Building Code, published by the International Code Council, Inc., and either:
The international fire code, published by the International Code Council, Inc.; or
The uniform fire code, published by the National Fire Protection Association, Inc., if adopted on or after July 1, 2006; and
It is adequately enforcing its code and performing any reviews of construction plans and specifications and inspections required by the state fire marshal under this section.
Amended versions of the publications referred to in subdivisions (a)(2) and (b)(2)(A) shall be designed to afford a reasonable degree of safety to life and property from fire and hazards incident to the design, construction, alteration, and repair of buildings or structures within the jurisdiction.
If a local jurisdiction chooses to adopt and enforce codes for only one-family and two-family dwellings or for all buildings other than one-family and two-family dwellings that would be subject to the codes adopted by the state fire marshal pursuant to subdivision (a)(1), the state fire marshal shall enforce the statewide codes with regard to those buildings for which the local jurisdiction has not adopted and is not enforcing codes.
(A) An audit of the records and transactions of each local government which chooses to enforce its own code pursuant to subdivision (b)(2) shall be made by the state fire marshal at least once every three (3) years to ensure that the local government is adequately performing its enforcement functions.
The state fire marshal shall, in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act promulgate rules to implement this subdivision (b)(4).
Notwithstanding subdivision (b)(2), the standards established pursuant to subsection (a) apply, if:
The local government's building construction safety code publications are not current within seven (7) years of the date of the latest editions of the publications, unless otherwise approved by the state fire marshal in writing; provided, however, that nothing in this subdivision (b)(5)(A) shall require a local government to adopt a standard more stringent than the standards enforced by the state fire marshal, pursuant to this section, or to adopt a mandatory sprinkler requirement for one-family and two-family dwellings; or
After affording appropriate written notice of grounds and opportunity for hearing, the state fire marshal determines that the local government is not adequately performing its enforcement functions.
Notwithstanding the applicability of the standards set forth in subsection (a) to educational occupancies, any entity undertaking to construct an educational occupancy within the jurisdictional boundaries of a local government that chooses to enforce its own code pursuant to this subsection (b) may begin construction upon approval of its building plans by such local government while, if the codes enforced by the local government are the same or more stringent than the codes enforced by the state fire marshal, awaiting final approval of its plans by the state fire marshal. If a conflict arises between the state fire marshal and the local government relative to the application or interpretation of the same or substantially identical building construction safety standards or fire safety standards, then the determination of the state fire marshal shall supersede the conflicting application or interpretation by the local government.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 68 - Health, Safety and Environmental Protection
Chapter 120 - Building Regulations
§ 68-120-101. Statewide Building Construction Safety Standards — Promulgation — Applicability
§ 68-120-103. Alarm Systems — Fire Drills
§ 68-120-104. Inflammable Materials — Limiting Amounts to Be Used or Stored
§ 68-120-105. Ventilation, Heating and Cooling Equipment — Regulations
§ 68-120-114. Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning Equipment in Attic — Access