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Part 1 - General Provisions
§ 68-120-101. Statewide Building Construction Safety Standards — Promulgation — Applicability - For purposes of this subdivision (a)(8)(C), “townhouse” means a single...
§ 68-120-103. Alarm Systems — Fire Drills - Ample provisions shall be made for the immediate notification or...
§ 68-120-104. Inflammable Materials — Limiting Amounts to Be Used or Stored - The state fire marshal shall make regulations limiting the maximum...
§ 68-120-105. Ventilation, Heating and Cooling Equipment — Regulations - The state fire marshal shall make regulations establishing minimum requirements...
§ 68-120-111. Smoke Alarms - No newly constructed one-family or two-family dwelling shall be approved...
§ 68-120-114. Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning Equipment in Attic — Access - Notwithstanding Tenn. Comp. R & Regs. R. 0780-02-01-.13, or any...
Part 2 - Tennessee Public Buildings Accessibility Act
§ 68-120-201. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 68-120-202. State Policy - It is declared to be the policy of the state...
§ 68-120-203. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
Part 3 - Safety Glazing Materials
§ 68-120-301. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 68-120-302. Label Requirements - Each light of safety glazing material manufactured, distributed, imported, or...
§ 68-120-303. Prohibited Acts - It is unlawful within this state to knowingly sell, fabricate,...
§ 68-120-304. Immunity of Construction Employees - No liability under this part shall be created as to...
§ 68-120-305. Criminal Penalties - A violation of this part is a Class C misdemeanor.
§ 68-120-306. Statutory Conflict - Whenever this part conflicts with any local, municipal or county...
Part 4 - Appeals
§ 68-120-401. Promulgation of Rules — Procedures - The commissioner of commerce and insurance shall promulgate rules setting...
Part 5 - Tennessee Equitable Restrooms Act
§ 68-120-501. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 68-120-502. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 68-120-504. Applicability — Implementation — Enforcement - This part applies to publicly and privately-owned facilities where the...
§ 68-120-505. Exemptions - This part does not apply to the following:
§ 68-120-506. Rules and Regulations - The responsible authority is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations...
§ 68-120-509. Trough Facilities in Male Restrooms - Notwithstanding any law or regulation to the contrary, publicly and...