Nothing in §§ 66-12-101 — 66-12-112 shall affect the portion of the crop reserved as rent by the landlord of a sharecropper, or for the rent or use of land producing same, whether divided or undivided, it being the intention to treat the title to such portion of the crop as vested in the landlord, unless the contract expressly provides otherwise.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
§ 66-12-101. Landlord's Lien for Rent
§ 66-12-102. Lien for Goods and Money Supplied
§ 66-12-103. Lien for Farm Implements and Supplies
§ 66-12-104. Priority of Landlord's Liens
§ 66-12-105. Expiration of Liens
§ 66-12-107. Liability of Purchaser of Crop
§ 66-12-108. Liability of Broker Selling Crop
§ 66-12-109. Disposal of Crop With Intent to Deprive Landlord of Lien
§ 66-12-110. Criminal Liability Avoided by Payment of Claim
§ 66-12-111. Landlord's Portion of Crop Unaffected
§ 66-12-112. Joint Payment by Purchaser
§ 66-12-113. Laborer's Lien on Crops