A landlord and one controlling land by lease or otherwise shall have a lien on all crops grown on the land during the year for the payment of the rent for the year, whether the contract of rental be verbal or in writing, and this lien shall inure to the benefit of the assignee of the lienor.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
§ 66-12-101. Landlord's Lien for Rent
§ 66-12-102. Lien for Goods and Money Supplied
§ 66-12-103. Lien for Farm Implements and Supplies
§ 66-12-104. Priority of Landlord's Liens
§ 66-12-105. Expiration of Liens
§ 66-12-107. Liability of Purchaser of Crop
§ 66-12-108. Liability of Broker Selling Crop
§ 66-12-109. Disposal of Crop With Intent to Deprive Landlord of Lien
§ 66-12-110. Criminal Liability Avoided by Payment of Claim
§ 66-12-111. Landlord's Portion of Crop Unaffected
§ 66-12-112. Joint Payment by Purchaser
§ 66-12-113. Laborer's Lien on Crops