2021 Tennessee Code
Part 3 - Qualifications and Licensing
§ 62-13-311. Revocation of License by Court — Reinstatement

Whenever any person, partnership, association, company, firm or corporation claiming to have been injured or damaged by the gross negligence, incompetency, fraud, dishonesty or misconduct on the part of any licensee following the calling or engaging in the business described in this chapter files suit upon the claim against the licensee in any court of record in this state and recovers judgment on the claim, the court may as part of its judgment or decree in such cases, if it deem it a proper case in which so to do, revoke the certificate of license granted under this chapter, and the certificate of license shall not be reissued to the licensee except upon the consenting vote of six (6) of the members of the commission in favor of reissuance.