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Part 1 - General Provisions
§ 62-13-101. Title - This chapter shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 62-13-102. Chapter Definitions - As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 62-13-105. Action by Broker to Collect Compensation - No action or suit shall be instituted, nor recovery be...
§ 62-13-107. Clinics and Institutes - The real estate commission is authorized to conduct, hold or...
§ 62-13-108. Study and Research Programs - The real estate commission is authorized to assist educational institutions...
§ 62-13-109. Injunctions Authorized for Enforcement - In addition to the powers and duties otherwise conferred upon...
§ 62-13-111. Hearing and Judicial Review - The Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter...
Part 2 - Tennessee Real Estate Commission
§ 62-13-204. Regulation of Fees or Commissions - Nothing in this chapter shall allow the commission to set...
§ 62-13-209. General Counsel - The commission shall have a full time general counsel. The...
Part 3 - Qualifications and Licensing
§ 62-13-301. License Requirement - It is unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, to...
§ 62-13-308. Examination and License Fees - The commission shall prescribe in its rules and regulations all...
§ 62-13-311. Revocation of License by Court — Reinstatement - Whenever any person, partnership, association, company, firm or corporation claiming...
§ 62-13-320. Surrender of Broker's for Affiliate Broker's License - The holder of a valid broker's license shall, upon the...
§ 62-13-321. Escrow or Trustee Account of Deposited Funds - Every broker shall, in accordance with rules promulgated by the...
Part 4 - Representation by Real Estate Agents
§ 62-13-401. Creation of Agency Relationship - A real estate licensee may provide real estate services to...
§ 62-13-403. Duty Owed to All Parties - A licensee who provides real estate services in a real...
§ 62-13-404. Duty Owed to Licensee's Client - Any licensee who acts as an agent in a transaction...
§ 62-13-407. Liability - A client or other party to whom a real estate...
§ 62-13-408. Application - This part shall supersede common law to the extent common...
Part 5 - Commercial Real Estate Brokers
§ 62-13-501. Part Definitions — Form of Notice - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:...
§ 62-13-502. Enforcement of Fee or Commission Contract Against Subsequent Owners - A broker who, pursuant to a contract in writing entered...
§ 62-13-504. Attorney Fees and Court Costs - The prevailing party in any litigation seeking to enforce the...
§ 62-13-505. Immunity of Title Examiners, Title Insurers, Abstracters and Closing Agents - No title examiner, title insurer, abstracter or closing agent shall...
Part 6 - Agency Contracts and Referral Fees
§ 62-13-601. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 62-13-602. Reasonable Cause to Solicit Referral Fee - Reasonable cause does not exist unless the party seeking the...
§ 62-13-604. Unlawful Interference With Agency Relationship - It is unlawful for a real estate licensee, a relocation...