The commissioner of veterans services and the assistant commissioners or service officers herein provided shall be authorized to take acknowledgements and administer oaths and affirmations and perform such other notarial acts as may be required in the presentation of claims hereunder, including all affidavits, affirmations and acknowledgements directly or by necessary implication falling within the purview of §§ 58-3-104 — 58-3-108, but not further or otherwise. The commissioner likewise is authorized to designate in writing to be filed with the secretary of state, such additional employees of the department as the commissioner may desire to perform such notarial functions, which writing in case of an employee in the central office shall be filed with the secretary of state, and if in a branch office, shall be filed with the county clerk of the county in which such branch office is located. Any false statement made on oath or affirmation before any of such persons shall subject the offender to punishment for perjury under the penalties now provided by law.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 58 - Military Affairs, Emergencies and Civil Defense
Chapter 3 - Veterans' Rights in General
§ 58-3-103. Removal of Disability of Minor Veterans and Spouses
§ 58-3-104. Information Furnished to Veterans
§ 58-3-105. Assistance in Obtaining Benefits
§ 58-3-107. Oaths Administered by Department Employees
§ 58-3-108. Acceptance of Aid by Department